six months later (NSFW)

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POSTED ON: steve-hairingtons

a/n: this is the sequel to 'angst'


You never expected to see Steve again since that night at his party. Now, that wasn't to say you didn't want to see him again, because you most definitely did. You missed him, to be honest.

You had a tendency to get attached to people you had sex with, but this was different. You really missed him. And you expected him to ignore you for a while.

A while turned into six months with radio silence from him.

That was until he showed up at your door, his face beaten and bloody. He had a cut on the bridge of his nose and a large bruise under his left eye.

When you saw him, it shocked you. He stood there with tears streaming down his cheeks, dragging blood down with them.

"Steve? What are you doing here?"

"You're the only person I know who can patch people up."

"Are you okay?"

"I will be after you help me."

"Come on in."

You opened the door wide enough for him to come in, and he limped inside. You led him to the kitchen and sat him in one of the chairs. You opened the cabinet above the fridge and pulled out a first aid kit.

You opened it quickly and pulled out the alcohol wipes, gently wiping the dried blood off of his face as he winced.

"What happened?"

"My dad."

You stopped what you were doing and looked at him. "What? I thought... I thought he was in prison."

"Was. He got out today. And clearly, his sentence didn't teach him jack shit. My mom is at her friend's house."

"Jesus, Steve. I'm sorry. How long was he in there?"

"Four years."

You sighed as you went back to cleaning his face.

"Also," he said, reaching down to the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head and turning his back to you.

What you saw shocked you. Multiple boot tread shaped bruises, as well as a few cuts. Blood was smeared all over his skin, and it was mostly dry.

"Jesus Christ." You reached over and placed your hand near the gashes, examining them. "How could he do this?" you asked quietly.

When you finished and had him bandaged up and clean, you started another conversation. "So... It's been a few months since... you know."


"So what? No phone call? Nothing?"

He sighed. "Do we have to talk about this?"

You crossed your arms and leaned against the table. "Yeah. We have to talk about this. You can't just have sex with me and then disappear."

"That's what hookups are."

"You know... I know you're doing the whole 'angsty teen' thing and all, but... can't you at least have some compassion? I don't have sex with just anyone, Steve."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"I like you, Steve. I always have."

"You're only saying that because we had sex."

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