first time (NSFW)

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POSTED ON: steve-hairingtons


- okay

- so you and steve had been together about three months before you even talked about sex

- he was pretty experienced

- from nancy and other girls at school

- but you were a virgin

- which you were ashamed of

- for some reason

- even though steve couldn't care less

- he never pushed you to do anything

- he was the best boyfriend

- but you had been ready to take your relationship to the next level

- you guys were eating lunch together at school when you brought it up

- and he almost choked on his sandwich

- because he didn't think you were remotely ready

- but you were

- and had been for at least two weeks

- but you weren't sure when the right time was

- so you just blurted it out

- "steve?"

- "yeah?"

- "i think i'm ready to have sex"

- he just looked at you

- and because he was the biggest dork you'd ever met

- he said

- "well, we can't do it here. we're at school"

- and you rolled your eyes

- "tonight?" you asked

- "tonight? yeah, i-i mean, only if you want to-"

- "i do. i do"

- "are you sure?"

- you nodded

- "okay. tonight"

- "tonight"

- the rest of the day was hell

- you were so horny

- all you could think about was what would happen that night

- but you were excited

- so excited you couldn't sit still all day

- but then after school

- you went to steve's

- you practically lived at steve's house at that point

- and you were on your back on his bed with him on top of you

- his hips between yours

- his lips on your neck

- his hands on your sides

- pulling you in close

- you reached down and pulled your shirt off, tossing it on the floor

- he looked stunned

- it was the first time he'd seen you in anything less than a shirt

- he called you beautiful so many times it made you blush

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