cabin trip (NSFW)

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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


You sat at the kitchen table of the cabin you and Steve were staying in for the next two weeks and waited impatiently for him to get back. He'd been gone for over four hours, even though the grocery store was only five miles away.

You jumped up when the phone rang, picking it up as quick as you could.

"Hello?" you practically yelled.

"Hey, it's me."

"Where are you? I've been worried sick."

"The roads are shut down 'cus of the snow. I'd walk if that was an option."

You felt some relief and you sighed. "I was afraid something happened to you."

"Other than a massive inconvenience, I'm fine. I'm using a payphone outside the store."

"All right. Do you have any idea how long it's gonna be?"

He didn't answer for a few seconds. "It looks like they're taking down the blockades, so probably soon."

"Okay. I'll see you when you get back."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you, too."

The relief that coursed through your body was indescribable. Now you knew he was safe, which lifted a weight off your shoulders.


Steve returned about ten minutes later with bags full of food. After he took off his gloves and coat, you helped him put the groceries away before pulling him into a hug.

"You okay?" he chuckled.

"I was just worried. I didn't hear from you for hours."

"I know. I couldn't even get into the store until right before I called you."

"I wish I'd known. I would've come to keep you company."

He smiled before pulling you into a kiss.

Smiling back, you stood up on tiptoe to whisper in his ear, "It's been lonely here without you." Running your hand down over his chest, you pulled back and bit your lip while staring up at him.

You saw the flare of desire flash in his eyes before he bent down and scooped you up against his chest and headed for the bedroom. Chuckling, you kissed the side of his neck, then took his earlobe between your teeth, biting it gently.

Giving a groan, he entered the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him before setting you down in front of the queen-sized bed. He started undoing the row of buttons on the front of his flannel shirt as you watched him.

You didn't see Steve in flannel that often, just during the cold months. He claimed it wasn't his style and that it didn't suit him. But every time you saw the tight fabric hugging his arms and chest, you just wanted to rip it off of him.

When he had finished with the buttons, you stood and shoved the shirt off his shoulders before reaching down and pushing his white tee shirt upwards in a silent plea for him to remove it. He reached down and grasped the hem of the shirt, lifting it up over his head in one fell swoop.

Licking your lips, you reached for his belt buckle, but your movement was halted when one of his big, warm hands wrapped around your wrist.

"Your turn," he drawled, softly pushing you back down onto the bed and pulling your t-shirt up over your head.

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