bad advice

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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


You followed close behind the unexpected duo of Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson, helping them lay down raw meat on the train tracks, still not grasping the concept of what they were doing.

You knew they were trying to attract some creature, but what it was still wasn't clear. But you and Steve were supposed to hang out that day, so you went with him.

The yellow gloves made your hands sweaty, and your feet were aching. The bucket handle was hurting your fingers, and the smell of the raw meat hurt your nose.

"All right, so let me get this straight," Steve said as you lingered behind. "You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who... who you just met?"

"All right, that's grossly oversimplifying things."

"I mean, why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway?"

"An interdimensional slug? Because it's awesome."

"Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I-I just... I don't know. I just feel like you're trying way too hard."

"Well, not everyone can have your perfect hair, all right?"

You rolled your eyes at the hair joke.

"It's not about the hair, man. The key with girls is just... acting like you don't care."

You raised your eyebrows, stopping in your tracks for a few seconds as you processed his advice.

"Even if you do?"

"Yeah, exactly. It drives them nuts."

"No, it doesn't," you corrected, shaking your head.

Steve groaned before directing his attention back at Dustin.

"Then what?" Dustin said.

"You just wait until, uh... until you feel it."

"Feel what?"

"It's like before it's gonna storm, you know? You can't see it, but you can feel it, like this, uh... electricity, you know?"

"Oh, like in the electromagnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere-"

"No, no, no, no, no. Like a... Like a sexual electricity."


"You feel that, and then you make your move."

"So that's when you kiss her?"

"No," you and Steve said in unison.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, Romeo."


"Sure, okay, some girls, yeah, they want you to be aggressive. You know, strong, hot and heavy, like a... I dunno, like a lion. But others, you gotta be slow, you gotta be stealthy, like a... like a ninja."

"What type is Nancy?"

"Nancy's different. She's different than the other girls." Another eye roll came from you as you tried - rather unsuccessfully - to block their conversation out.

"Yeah, she seems pretty special, I guess."

"Yeah, yeah, she is."

After Steve told Dustin how to style his hair and pick up girls, you pulled him aside as the small one kept walking.

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