under the mistletoe

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POSTED ON: steve-hairingtons


It was a cold Christmas night in the quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana. But it was warm in the Buckley house. You stood in the living room with your small group of friends, a red solo cup filled with beer in your hand.

You weren't much of a drinker, to be honest, and you hadn't consumed very much of your drink. But that wasn't to say you didn't want to.

If you were being honest, tonight was hard. You were one of the only single people at the party that night, and one of the only single people you knew that would be spending the holidays alone.

It had always been like this. You'd only been in one relationship, and you never really minded until holidays like Christmas, Valentine's Day, and New Year's came around.

Sure, you'd had your first kiss, and you weren't a virgin, but you'd only ever had one boyfriend.

But there was someone who had your eye: Steve Harrington, the host of the party. You guys had been best friends for four years. And, while you never had a significant other, you always had Steve, who was as close to one you'd ever had.

But you guys hadn't hung out at all tonight. You were busy with Robin, who was throwing the party, and her girlfriend. She had Robin's arm around her all night and it was like they were attached at the hip.

You sat next to them on the couch, talking with them and their other friends. That was when you caught Steve's eye. You got up instantly, walking over to him quickly.

He smiled and ran his hand through his hair. You could instantly smell the beer on him, which overwhelmed you a bit.

"Hey," he said. His voice was a bit slurred, leading you to believe he was tipsy.


"Where've you been? I've been looking for you."

"Hanging out with Robin and Jamie."


"How much have you had to drink?" you asked, noticing he was getting a bit unbalanced.

"Just five."

"Just five? Well, it's a good thing I can drive you home."

"I don't need you to do that."

"And I don't need to lose my best friend tonight because he was being a dumbass."

He rolled his eyes. He gripped your hand and pulled you toward the laundry room and stopped when you were just outside the door.

"What are you doing?" you asked.

He looked up and your eyes followed, and you raised your eyebrows when you spotted it: Mistletoe. When you looked back at him, he was smiling.

"Well, you know the rules," he said.

"Steve," you said. "You're drunk."

"Ah, come on. You think I don't know you're in love with me the same way I'm in love with you?"

You didn't even have time to comprehend what he said before his hand was cupping your face.

You shook your head, feeling your heart in your throat.

"Even if that was true, I'm not kissing you when you're drunk. I would want you to do the same for me."

"Y/N, this is the only time I'm gonna be ballsy enough to do this."

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