my girls

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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


You sighed as you finally got comfortable in your bed, despite the kicking against your stomach.

You were now seven months pregnant and it was the hottest day of the year, meaning Steve insisted on keeping you inside and out of the heat. You found out a couple of months prior that you were having a girl, so he'd always say "my girls" when referring to you and the baby.

You had been together for about three years before you got pregnant, and marriage hadn't seriously crossed either of your minds the entire time. You were both okay with not being married when having children, just happy you made it a few years past high school before it happened.

But just because you were okay with not being married, didn't mean your parents were. Both of your moms had been trying to convince you guys to tie the knot before you became visibly pregnant, but you kept turning down the idea.

You were sharing a two-bedroom apartment, which you moved into together about three months before getting pregnant. Steve insisted on getting two bedrooms so his friends could stay over, and you agreed. You both had full-time jobs, and yours started giving paid maternity leave right before you found out.

Steve walked into your room right as you got comfortable, his hair wet from his shower. He placed his hands on his hips, and you raised your eyebrows.

"What?" you asked.

"How the hell do you look so hot at seven months pregnant?"

One thing that made Steve stand out from other guys was his affection and love for you. You'd been in three relationships before him, and none of them compared when it came to compliments. He'd always been the sweetest guy you'd ever met, even before you got together.

You laughed at his question.

He crawled into bed with his face by your stomach, pushing your shirt up and kissing your skin.

"You're making me insecure about my stretch marks."

In response to your comment, he kissed the dark lines covering your lower belly.

"I can't believe your mom is talking shit about herself," he whispered to his daughter.

"Steve! Language!"

"It's not like she can hear me."

"We don't know that."

"She can't hear, babe. I promise."

Just then, a tiny handprint pressed out of your stomach, which Steve poked. "I told you," you taunted. "She can hear you."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Y'know, since she'll be here in two months, maybe we should finally talk about names."

You'd both put off discussing names because your mom had experienced a couple of miscarriages before having you, and you didn't want to jinx yourself.

His face almost lit up as names flashed through his mind.

"You sure?"

You nodded. "I've been thinking about names recently, and I think I want to name her after my grandma."

"Which one?"

"My dad's mom. Joanne."

He thought about it for a second. "Joanne. I love it."

"You don't have to say you love it just because I suggested it."

"I'm not! I actually do love it. It's cute."

You smiled and ran your hand through his hair. "What about a middle name?"

"Robin," he said immediately.

"You didn't even have to think about that one."

He shrugged. "I doubt Dustin would make a good girl's middle name."

You smiled. You thought it was cute how much he loved his friends, enough to name his child after one of them.

"Okay. Joanne Robin Harrington."

He got to his knees and crawled up the bed so he could give you a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"She'll be here soon," he said with a giddy smile.

"Two months."

Holding your daughter in your arms, you gently handed her over to Robin. She normally didn't like babies, but she got ecstatic when you asked her if she wanted to hold her.

Joanne was a week old now. She weighed eight pounds and was born at three-forty-three in the morning. It was a relatively smooth birth, other than you being in labor for about two days.

Your water broke as you were getting ready for work, and she popped out two entire days later. It was the worst pain you'd ever been in, but it was worth it.

The first time you held her after you got home, Steve called you both "my girls," which made you smile uncontrollably.

Robin's face was that of absolute adoration when she looked down at her. It was silent for a few seconds and Joanne just stared up at her, a smile spreading across her face.

"We named her after you," Steve said receiving a look of confusion. "Well, her middle name."

"Her middle name is Robin?" You both nodded. "I hope she's just as cool," she joked, all of you chuckling.

The first time Dustin held her, you swore he almost cried. She latched onto his pointer finger with one hand and fell asleep, leaving him stuck in a recliner for about an hour, refusing to move and shushing everyone when you got loud.

Staring down at her sleeping in her crib once everyone left, Steve wrapped his arms around you from behind, his cheek against the side of your head.

"She's so beautiful," he whispered.

"She looks like you when you were a baby."

"Don't all babies look alike, though?"

"Ours is way cuter than the other ones."

He nodded. "That I agree with." He kissed your temple. "You're gonna be such a good mom."

"You're gonna be a good dad, too."

"As long as I'm better than my dad."

You turned around and placed your hands on his shoulders. "You'll be a million times better than your dad." You pulled him down for a kiss, and his hands trailed down to your butt.

"Ah ah ah," you said, pulling away. "We have at least five more weeks before we can do that." You looked down at Joanne. "I'm tired anyway. Let's just go to bed."

He nodded, kissing you once more. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Another kiss before he took your hand, holding it all the way to your bedroom.

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