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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


"I'm coming," you stated, crossing your arms. Hopper's back was to you, but he turned to face you. He rubbed his forehead with his fingers and sighed.

"No, you're not. I told you you're staying here."

"No, Hop, I'm coming with you. End of story."

You were trying your best to be intimidating, but being five-foot-nothing and a hundred pounds didn't help your case. The only thing you could use to your advantage was your voice, which could be loud if you wanted it to.

"You're willing to get hurt?"

"If it's to save Steve, then yes. He would do the same for me."

"Y/N, I don't know how many times I have to tell you. You're staying here."

"And I don't know how many times I have to tell you. I'm coming with you. I can help. I know CPR, and I have a hell of a lot better of a connection to him than you. I can help wake him up."

You walked past him and grabbed a hazmat suit, hearing Hopper just sigh, knowing he caved.

The ground under your feet squished with each step, making you cringe. You followed closely behind him in the bright yellow suits, shining flashlights to see your way around.

Currently, you were in the Upside Down, and struggling to see your way around it. You'd already been to what was the equivalent of his house, which was covered in vines and branches. He wasn't there, making you lose some hope.

So you decided to go to your house, the only other place he really spent any time. It was only a couple of miles from his, so you got there pretty quickly.

Forcing the front door open, you led the way to your room, where you gasped. There, attached to the wall, was Steve. You guessed he ran here in hopes of finding you when he woke up in this place.

You remembered when they found Will. They said he had a tentacle down his mouth, which was halfway down his throat. Luckily, Steve didn't have that, but there were many vines keeping him held up. His head was tipped forward, his hair hanging down.

"Oh, my God," you practically screamed, running over to him. You pushed his head upward and his hair out of his face, revealing a pale, sweaty face. A frown formed on your lips. "He's not breathing. Hop, he's not breathing."

"Hold him up," Hopper responded, using his knife to cut him out. His body weight fell on top of you and you laid him down on the floor. You took your mask off and gripped Steve's face, shaking it gently to try to wake him up.

"Steve, honey, wake up. Please wake up." You were crying at this point, desperate for him to open his eyes.

"You said you know CPR?" he asked you, to which you nodded. "Alright, when I tell you, you're gonna give him breaths, okay? Can you do that?"

You nodded again, this time more frantically. When you looked down, you took in the situation.

Steve had been missing for about three weeks, you and the rest of the party searching relentlessly for him. When you connected the dots and realized he must've been taken, you told Hopper. And that's what led you to the situation you were in now.

He began compressions on Steve's chest, and a moment later you gave him two breaths.

It didn't work, and you tried to stay calm, knowing it would take more than just that, but inside you were freaking out. Tears were streaming down your face as he continued pressing on his chest. You were begging him to wake up, taking a pause to give him a couple more breaths a moment later.

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