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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


You stood at your locker, reviewing your schedule again. You'd been at Hawkins High for a week, and you still didn't remember which classes you had and what rooms they were in.

You sighed as you tried your best to remember the schedule, but as you were reading it, your locker was closed by someone. You looked up to see three tall boys in letterman jackets, making you assume they were football players.

"Hey," the tallest one said.

You didn't reply. Instead, you looked back down at your schedule, walking away and trying to remember where your class was.

One of them stepped in front of you, and you almost walked right into him. All three of them were taller than you, and you had to look up to see their face.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to get to class," you mumbled. One of them took your schedule from you and skimmed it. "Can I have that back?"

He put it behind his back and leaned against the locker.

"As soon as you tell us what a pretty lady like you is doing here."

You furrowed your brows and wrinkled your nose in disgust.

"I just started."

"You're new?" You nodded. "You should come to the gym with us. Hang out a bit. We could show you around."

You shook your head. "No, thanks. I'd prefer to go to class."

One of them looked at your schedule. "You can skip math. Come on."

He motioned for you to follow, and when you didn't move, he gripped your arm and pulled you along. You looked around for someone to help, and you made eye contact with a boy at his locker.

He had big brown hair and a very trusting face, so you pleaded with your eyes for him to help you. Immediately, he ran over and got their attention.

"Hey, Harrington."

"Where are you guys going with her?" he asked, placing his hands on his hips.

"We were gonna show her around. She's new."

He looked at you. "You're a freshman?" You nodded. "Alright, then you need to let go of her," he said to the one grabbing your arm. "You're eighteen, Ray. That's just weird."

"Come on, man. We were just gonna take her to the gym and show her around the school."

"Yeah, I don't believe that. Let go of her and give her back her schedule."

The one you assumed was Ray handed him your schedule and let go of you, and they walked off, huffing loudly.

You took a deep breath and composed yourself.

"You okay?" he asked, looking at you.

You nodded. "I think so."

He stuck his hand out. "Steve."

You shook his hand. "Y/N."

"Y/N, I just hope you don't think all senior guys are like that. I'm a senior, and those guys are dicks."

You nodded. "Thank you. I owe you one."

"No, you don't. You needed help, so I helped you. I don't expect anything from you."

You nodded again. "Well, thank you again."

"Hey, if you ever need my help again, just come find me."

"Steve Harrington, right?"


"My last name's Y/L/N."

"Well, I hope we'll see each other around, Y/N Y/L/N." The bell rang and he cleared his throat. "You should probably get to class. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see ya," you said as Steve walked off. You took a second to yourself and took a deep breath, walking through the halls to find your class.

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