emergency room

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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


You practically ran through the hospital in search of the emergency room. Considering how small Hawkins Hospital was, it felt like you were running miles through it.

You didn't plan on going to the emergency room tonight, but when your boyfriend, Steve, called you to tell you he was in the ER, you jumped out of bed and went right there.

He didn't tell you much, just that he had gotten into a fight with some guy at a bar. He said he had a dislocated shoulder, broken nose, and a black eye.

When you got to the ER, you asked where his room was and walked over. You opened the curtain to see he was more injured than he had told you. He had a cut on his temple, and blood covered his clothes.

You crossed your arms as he looked at you, his face going red.

"What the hell happened?" you asked.

He groaned. "I don't wanna get into it, babe."

You raised your eyebrows. "Steve Harrington, tell me what happened to you."

Another groan left his mouth.

"Alright, I was at the bar near your house-"

"How the hell did you get in? You're not twenty-one."

"I didn't order a drink, so they let me in. Anyway, I was playing pool with another guy and looked over to see this guy showing a girl how to play. He was being a complete tool, groping her and shit. I walked over and told him he was making her uncomfortable. One thing led to the next, and he beat the shit out of me."

You uncrossed your arms and smiled.

"That's actually really sweet, Steve." He looked away. You gripped his other hand and leaned in to kiss him. "I'm proud of you. But did you even get a punch in?"

He rolled his eyes. "I won a fight once."

"Once," you emphasized. "Whether or not you hit him, he had it coming."

He pulled you in for another kiss. "I love you," he said.

"I love you, too."

He wound up in the sling for three weeks, and his wounds healed in a month and a half. You gained even more respect for him, something you didn't think was possible. His parents didn't like that he got in another fight, but you didn't care. You loved him regardless.

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