messy (NSFW)

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POSTED ON: steve-hairingtons


Tears streamed down your face as you slipped your shoes on. You were at your boyfriend Ed's house. You sat on his bed as you tied your laces.

When you got them into sloppy bows, you stood up and looked at him. He had a sympathetic look on his face, which annoyed you on top of every other emotion you were feeling.

"Don't look at me like that," you said with a hoarse voice.

"I'm sorry," he said simply.

"Four years down the drain."

"They're not down the drain."

"Yes, they are! I pictured us getting married and having kids with you! I never planned on this not working out."

"Neither did I!"

You were silent for a moment. "You can come by tomorrow and get your shit. I don't want to see you again tonight."

You put your jacket on.

"Where are you even going?" he asked, standing up.

"Steve's." He groaned. "You know what?" you asked slowly. "I'm so sick of you shitting on Steve. He's my best friend. So-fucking-what if he's a guy? He's better to me than you ever have been."

And with that, you turned and walked out of his room and down to the front door, which you slammed closed before walking to your car.

As soon as you sat in the driver's seat, your face was in your hands and your tears soaked your palms. You cried like that for a few seconds before wiping your hands on your jeans and reversing your car out of the driveway and heading towards Steve's house.

When you knocked on the door, more tears fell down your cheeks. The door opened a moment later and instantly Steve had a worried look on his face.

"Hey," he said gently.

You sniffled and wiped your nose with the back of your hand. "Hey."

"Are you okay?" he asked. You just shook your head as you lost control of your tears. "Alright, alright. Come in." He stepped out of the way and you walked in. You went to his living room and sat down sideways on his couch, leaning your back against the armrest.

He sat in front of you and raised his eyebrows. You could tell he felt bad, even though he didn't know what was wrong. You cried for a moment as he reached over and gripped your hand.

"Do you wanna tell me why you're crying?" he asked softly.

You didn't answer for a moment. "Ed broke up with me."

He sighed. "Are you okay?" You shook your head. "What happened?"

"He told me he doesn't love me anymore. Like, at all. And that he hasn't for the last five months."

"Shit," Steve said.

"What's wrong with me?" you whispered.

"What? What the hell are you talking about?"

"I've been in three relationships, and in each one, this shit happens. They break up with me because they don't love me anymore. What's wrong with me?" you repeated.

"Don't say that, Y/N."

"I mean, it's true. No one wants me."

He sighed. "They're idiots. Anyone would be lucky to have you."

You scoffed. "Yeah, well, you're the only one who thinks that."

"So? At least you know you have one person on your side, right?"

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