interrupted (NSFW)

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POSTED ON: steve-hairingtons


There was nothing you wanted to be doing more than spending the evening with Steve. He was your best friend, and you had just dropped Dustin off at Mike's for the night.

You had been best friends for twelve years. Your parents became friends when you were both seven, and it helped that you were in the same second-grade class.

Dustin had been trying to get you two together for years. It seemed to be his mission to make every day awkward when he was with you guys. But you laughed it off, blaming it on him being young.

But, you had to admit, there was something between you and Steve. You just didn't know what. Sexual tension, longing, hidden feelings, you weren't sure.

When you were sixteen, you both went to a New Year's Eve party. You planned on staying until one a.m. and then going back to Steve's. When you got dragged into a game of truth or dare, you wished you hadn't gone at all.

The bottle landed on you.

"Truth," you said.

"Who in this room would you most like to kiss?"

You looked around the room, seeing that you went to school with everyone in the circle. Then your eyes landed on Steve, who was looking at you.

"Uh... Steve, I guess," you said awkwardly, and he raised his eyebrows.

"What?" he said.

"Out of all the people here," you tried to clarify. He smirked.

The next person spun the bottle, and it landed on Steve.

"Truth or dare?" they asked.

"Dare." Steve was never one to take the easy route.

"I dare you to kiss Y/N."

Your cheeks went red and you looked at Steve. "We don't have to if you don't want to," he offered.

"I mean, just a quick peck would be fine, right?" He nodded awkwardly.

And that's exactly what it was. A quick peck. An uncomfortable one, at that, but still a quick peck. The ride home was awkward as hell, but your friendship went on the same as it was before.

And though you'd kissed once at a party, you knew he was your best friend and that you could always rely on him for anything.

You decided to go to the cliff overlooking Hawkins to stargaze after you dropped Dustin off at Mike's. You'd go back later to pick him up, but for now, you had alone time with Steve. You knew he enjoyed being alone with you, regardless of what you did together. He told you that you made him feel safe and comfortable and that he can be himself around you.

And, to be honest, you felt the same. You always had. He punched a guy who was harassing you once, tried to fight your ex-boyfriend when he cheated on you, and was just overall protective of you when you needed it.

When you got to the cliff, the stars were twinkling bright. Considering how many lights were on in Hawkins, you were surprised you could see any stars. But they were there, and they were beautiful.

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