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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


- you and steve had only been dating about a week before you were diagnosed with pcos

- he went with you to the appointment and took you to get ice cream to help you feel better

- and it did, a bit

- you went home and watched your favorite movie

- and he stayed for dinner while you told your parents your diagnosis

- your dad didn't understand but your mom hugged you

- eventually, it kind of just became a nuisance

- it wasn't really anything you had to worry about on a day to day basis

- but when your periods came

- it was like someone had stabbed you in your lower stomach

every. fucking. day.

standing up, sitting down, laying flat, crossing your knees

- everything hurt

not even just in your ovaries

- you could feel it all the way down

it was like someone kicked you straight in the vag

- but after a couple of months of dealing with it, you just accepted it

- it wasn't like you could do anything without getting a hysterectomy

- so you just decided to live with it and take ibuprofen every single day

- but you and steve had to make an emergency trip to the gynecologist one day

- about a year and a half after your diagnosis

- you were having period cramps that physically kept you in bed

- that was normal, but this time it was worse

- you hadn't been able to get out of bed for five days

- steve insisted you go to the doctor

- you kept dismissing the suggestion because you were so used to it

- but he convinced you to go

- turned out you had an ovarian cyst the size of an egg that had to be removed

- he stayed with you at the hospital the entire time

- he stayed the night so you wouldn't be alone as your parents had to work

- the morning of surgery, they woke you up about five a.m.

- you were done within four hours

- you were unconscious for another two

- but steve was right next to your bed when you woke up

- he helped feed you, as you couldn't sit up

- then he pushed your wheelchair out to his car

- and drove you home

- and stayed with you while you recovered

- he helped you get dressed and use the bathroom

- after about three days post-surgery you could do all that mostly on your own

- you still needed help getting in and out of bed, but he didn't care

- after you were healed, he always kissed your scars

- you had one on each side of your belly button

- one in your belly button

- and one on your bikini line

- he said they made you look badass

- and you laughed

- after your surgery, you had another appointment six weeks out

- and luckily you hadn't grown any more cysts

- and you were cleared to have sex again

- as soon as you got home, you and steve were on top of each other

- he was gentle, as you were still a bit sore

- but it was easily some of the best sex you'd ever had

- anyway

- the first period you had after surgery was absolute hell

it was worse than every other period

- you could barely even move in bed

- so you stayed in bed almost all week

- but once it ended, your incisions were close to fully healed

- so you could move around freely now

- every time you got cramps, steve offered to warm up your heating pad

- or get an ice pack

- and you almost always accepted his offer

- and he would bring you whatever food you wanted

- and he'd watch whatever cheesy movie you were in the mood for

- he was the best boyfriend

and, not surprisingly, you wound up getting more cysts that needed to be removed

- and the entire process would restart

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