behind closed doors (NSFW)

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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


You walked up the stairs of your house, Steve close behind. You'd both just gotten off work at FamilyVideo, and his parents were out of town, so you invited him to stay over for a couple of nights.

Even though they weren't there, your parents were fine with it, as you and Steve had known each other from working together at Scoops Ahoy. You'd been working together for over a year, but you'd never stayed at each other's houses alone. Usually, you were joined by Robin or Dustin and the rest of the party.

Admittedly, you were nervous. You two had obvious chemistry, which aforementioned Robin and the kids made fun of you for constantly. And when you guys worked alone or he would drive you home, you never talked about it. It was an elephant in the room, for sure, but it never came up.

But tonight, you and Steve would be sleeping in your bed alone. No distractions, nobody else to keep your mind off of it, nothing. Just you and the boy you had sexual tension with.

It didn't really sink in until Steve closed the door.

Out of habit, you walked over to your record player, putting on The Police's album Synchronicity. You turned down the volume and turned to see Steve kicking off his shoes.

"I'm gonna go change," you said, grabbing some clothes from a pile on your desk. "You can change in here if you want."


You walked to the bathroom and shut the door, changing into a tank top and a pair of shorts. You took your bra off and pulled your hair down, running your fingers through it to make it presentable.

When you came back to your room, Steve was pulling on a t-shirt. His back looked so smooth and soft, and he had moles and freckles that combined to make his skin look like a galaxy of brown stars.

You cleared your throat and looked at the floor as you walked to your laundry basket and tossing your uniform into it.

"Thanks for letting me stay here," he said as his voice got closer to you.

"Oh, yeah. It's no problem." You looked over your shoulder to see him slowly stepping toward you.

When he was less than a foot away, a shiver ran through your body. He chuckled.

"You good?"

You turned to look at him.

"Yeah. Just uh... cold."

"Oh, here." He reached over and gripped your hands. "Wow. You weren't kidding."

You let out an awkward chuckle as he squeezed your hands gently. He looked at you and you pulled your hands away, slowly walking past him and to your dresser to take off your jewelry.

You could feel the tension shoot up as he looked at you again.

"How's Dustin?" you asked.

"He's good. He's been talking to Suzie a lot."

"He really likes her, huh?"


He walked over to you again, stepping in front of you. You looked up at him and raised your eyebrows.

"We should talk about the elephant in the room," he said.


"I know the kids like to tease us and everything."


"Does it make you uncomfortable?"

You shook your head. "Not really."

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