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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


- standing in the dressing room of hawkins church was terrifying

- you stood in front of in the full-length mirror, studying your wedding gown, hair, and makeup

- you took a deep breath as max walked up behind you

- "you look beautiful," she said

- you smiled and made eye contact through the mirror

- "i'm so nervous"

- "why?"

- you shrugged and looked down at your engagement ring, which would soon be joined by a wedding band

- "what if he changes his mind?" you asked

- that was when you caught the attention of nancy

- she had been excited about your wedding since the night steve proposed

- you asked her if she was sure, since steve and her had a rather messy breakup

- she assured you the was thrilled, and you decided to let her help plan the ceremony

- "why would he change his mind?" she asked, walking up behind you

- you shrugged again, sighing to yourself

- "i don't know. i guess i just have pre-wedding jitters"

- she placed her hand on your back, a comforting gesture

- "you've been together for four years. he loves you. there's no way in hell he'd change his mind"

- you nodded before the door opened and your mom poked her head inside

- "it's time," she said with a smile

- you took a deep breath, grabbing your bouquet and following your mom out

- you looked at the bridesmaids, who consisted of max, nancy, el, robin, and your little sister

- they all had a silky pale maroon dress on, all of them different styles

- the bouquets matched, with white, pink, and yellow flowers

- they all smiled when they saw you

- you heard the stereotypical wedding music begin playing, and they all got in line, walking out a few seconds later

- you took a final deep breath before the doors closed, giving you a couple of seconds to put the veil in your hair and prepare

- your dad walked over and stood next to you, smiling and sticking his arm out for you wrap yours around

- "are you ready?" he asked, to which you nodded

- the doors opened again a few minutes later, and you saw a flood of people stand

- even all the way across the church, you could see the adoration in steve's eyes

- his groomsmen consisted of dustin right behind him, then the rest of the party

- you and your dad began walking down the aisle, your heart beating through your chest

- when you got to the altar, your dad let go of your arm and you stood in front of your soon-to-be husband

- you saw a tear slip down his cheek, which he wiped quickly as you both chuckled

- "you look gorgeous," he whispered as everyone sat down

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