steve as a dad

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POSTED ON: steve-hairingtons


- you and steve moved in together a year before he proposed

- you settled on a small, white house in a few houses away from dustin's

of course

it had yellow shutters, a basement, a garage, and a decently sized backyard

- and, to make yourselves even more of a family, you adopted a puppy from hawkins animal shelter

- she was a golden retriever

- given up as soon as possible after she was born

- steve fell in love at first sight

- you named her bella

- one night, you were enjoying your evening walk in the neighborhood with bella

- dustin was tagging along

- you weren't even a block away when you saw your neighbor's kids playing in the yard

- bella freaked out and took off running

- the leash accidentally slipped out of steve's grip

- when steve got over there, bella had tackled the child to the ground

- steve was freaking out

- the toddler was laughing and squealing

- you both apologized to his mom that was outside watching them from the porch

- she wasn't mad at all

- she said that they saw you walking bella the other day

- her kid freaked out and wanted to play with her but she told her no

- when you walked over to the mom to talk, you realized she was holding another small baby in a carrier strapped to her chest

- a baby girl

- probably only a few weeks old

- steve was secretly freaking out because he's always thought babies were the cutest things ever

- steve started using bella as a reason to see your neighbor's kids more

- you soon became close with them

- steve is always playing princess with the older one when he babysat her

- he would play dress up with her all the time

- they'd call each other "prince" and "princess"

- you could always hear them in your spare bedroom

- steve would be using different voices

- and she'd be laughing

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