been saving it

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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


You threw Steve's arm over your shoulders and wrapped your other arm around his midsection, dragging him outside. He wasn't helping you at all, so it caused quite a struggle.

You knew taking him to a party right after your first finals week of your junior year of college was a mistake, but he'd been so stressed you decided to let him get all of his stress out and have fun with his friends.

And now that the two of you were twenty-one, he used it as an excuse to drink until he almost passed out.

But now he was wasted, throwing a fit about leaving.

"No, I wanna stay," he slurred. "Drink s'more."

"I know, but we have to get you back to your dorm."


"Because I'm pretty sure if you drink any more, you'll get alcohol poisoning."

"Ah, that's fine. I've had it before."

You groaned as he began to tip over toward the grass. "Steve, honey, you have to help me here." You pulled him back to his feet and spotted his dorm building up ahead. "We're almost there, just a little further."

When you finally got there, you used his keycard to get the two of you inside.

You managed to get rooms on the same floor of the building, but you left your stuff in your dorm to avoid having to carry them around.

When you finally got to his dorm, you let him climb onto his bed and sat next to him.

He stared up at you and smiled, reaching over and gripping your hand.

"You're so beautiful," he mumbled. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"You know what we should do?"


"We should get married."

You chuckled to yourself. "Let's decide on that when you're sober, yeah?"

"No, no, 'cus look." He reached into his pocket and pulled out an engagement ring, making the smile disappear from your face and shock to spread through your body. "I already got the ring!"

"Steve, when did you get that?"

"Couple years ago. Been saving it."

You stared at it, noticing how beautiful it was. It was simple yet elegant, a small diamond sitting on top. It looked like it would fit your finger, and you wondered how he figured out your ring size.

"Are you serious?"

He nodded frantically, grabbing your hand and sliding it onto your right ring finger, making you chuckle.

"Wrong finger," you said with a smile. You switched it to your left hand and he returned the smile. "Yes. Of course I'll marry you."

His drunk smile only grew bigger, and he sloppily pulled you in for a kiss.

Steve's eyes opened slowly to sunlight shining right on his face. You were already up and getting your bag ready.

You'd run back to your dorm while he was still asleep and grabbed your stuff, deciding to stay with him for a little while longer.

He immediately grabbed a trash can, holding it under him as he leaned off the bed. He stared into it, trying to figure out if he was about to puke.

He did for a few seconds before looking back up at you.

"Morning," he said.


"What happened last night?"

"Not much, other than you proposing to me."

His eyes went wide and he scratched the back of his neck. "I did?"

"Mhm." You held your hand up to show him the ring. He sighed in relief at your confirmation of your answer.

"I was gonna wait until your birthday, but I guess it's a little late for that."

"How'd you know what size to get?"

"I guessed."

You smirked. "Good guess."

"I was hoping I'd be sober when I proposed, but I guess it got rid of some of the nerves." He hopped down off the bed and stepped over to you.

"It was cute," you said. "How long have you had it?"

"Couple of years. I got it when we were nineteen and then figured it might be a bit too early."

You pushed yourself onto your toes and kissed him, not even caring that he'd just thrown up.

"I would've said yes back then, too."

A big, goofy smile spread across his lips and he went red. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

You looked at your watch. "I should get to class."

He nodded and kissed you one more time. "I'll see you for lunch, yeah?"


He walked you to the door and gave you one last kiss, watching you walk to the stairs with an expression full of nothing but love.

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