play along

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POSTED ON: steve-hairingtons


Spending your nights alone in the bar at Chili's wasn't how you loved to spend your time. You lived alone, you didn't have a pet or a roommate, and you spent your days working.

But you enjoyed having the freedom to go to the bar whenever you got a chance. What you didn't love was not having anyone to drink with.

Granted, you preferred it to be someone you knew, not a stranger. That's why you rolled your eyes when a stranger sat two seats away from you.

"What's up?" you heard from beside you, ignoring it at first. Then you heard him move to the chair next to you and you began to feel your body get hot. You turned to see a man looking at you. "What, no response?" he asked.

"Sorry, not interested," you said, hoping it would get rid of him.

"Oh, come on, baby."

"No, thanks."

"At least talk to me."

"I'm really not interested."

That was when he leaned in closer.

"What, you can't even talk to me?"

"Please just leave me alone."

"Not until we have a conversation." You didn't respond, and you felt a hand on your thigh, chills running down your spine. "What's your name, sweetie?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just not interested."

"I'm Tom." He stuck his other hand out but you didn't shake. "What's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone?"

"I just got off work."

"Where do you work?" You didn't answer.

Just then, you felt someone place their hand on our shoulder. "You ready to go, babe?" he asked. "Sorry I took so long in the bathroom. There was only one working stall and someone was using it for like ten minutes."

You were confused, as you had never met him. But he looked kind, and he raised his eyebrows, quickly glancing at Tom. That was when you realized he was trying to get you out of the situation. You decided to play along, hoping Tom would leave you alone if he thought you had a boyfriend.

"Oh... Uh, yeah. Do you care if we actually go back to my place tonight?"

"No, not at all." He looked at Tom, who just stared at him. "What's up, man?" he asked.

"Uh... Not much. I should get going. See you later," he said to you, winking. He slid off the chair, walking off and to a table. When he was out of earshot, the man spoke up.

"I'm Steve," he said.


"I heard you turning him down a few times and then he grabbed your thigh."


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I am now. Thank you, Steve."

"Yeah, no problem."

"You want me to drive you home and make sure he doesn't follow you?" You didn't answer. "Look, I know it looks weird that I'm offering you a ride home, but I would really prefer if there wasn't a kidnapping or something that I could've prevented."

You gave a small smile. "Yeah, okay."

You stood up and slid your coat on and followed him out to his car, which you got into reluctantly. You put your seatbelt on before he started talking.

"So, does that stuff happen a lot?"

"Yeah, actually. It's kinda scary. You know, guys touching me without permission or trying to follow me home and everything."

"I think it's ridiculous. I don't get why people try to pursue people who clearly aren't into them."

"Yeah, I don't know."

"It happened to my mom once a few years ago. Some guy followed her home and basically stalked her for a couple of weeks. It really spooked her."

"Yeah, it's scary. Thank you for being there."

"Yeah, no problem. Guys like that are jackasses."

You smirked. "Tell me about it."

"Alright, where do you live?"

"The street right behind Hawkins Grocery."


You pulled up to your house pretty soon after, and Steve turned out to be nicer than you expected. He parked in front of your driveway before turning to you.

"Alright. Here we are."

"Here we are. Thanks for making sure I got here safe."

"Yeah, it was no problem."

"Oh, do you have a napkin and a pen?"

"Uh, yeah. Glovebox."

You opened the glovebox and grabbed a napkin and pen, writing down your phone number and address. You handed it to him and he looked at you.

"If you ever wanna hang out or something," you said with a smirk. You grabbed your purse from the floor and pulled your keys out. You opened the door and stepped out. Before you shut it, you leaned back into the car. "Have a good night, Steve."

"You too, Y/N."

You shut the door and waved at him before walking up your driveway and into your house, sighing when the warm air engulfed you. You smiled at the thought of hanging out with Steve again, and the thought of him protecting you from Tom earlier.

You sat down on your couch after flipping your television on, eventually falling asleep right there.

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