i think i'm in love with you

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POSTED ON: steve-hairingtons


You stood at your locker, grabbing your backpack and putting a few binders in it. When you closed your locker, you were greeted with the smiling face of your best friend, Steve.

"Hey," you said.


"What's up?"

"Can I come over? You can help me with my English paper."

"Yeah, sure."

"You really are a lifesaver, Henderson, you know that?"

"I've been told," you said smugly. "By you, at least."

"Well, it's true."

It was then that you heard your name being called out through the halls. You recognized the voice as Dustin, your little brother. He was with Lucas, Mike, Will, and Max. He was wearing his hat, a flannel jacket, a t-shirt, and khaki pants with sneakers, but he was dirty. You looked at Mike, who also had mud on his clothes.

"Hey, what the hell happened?" you asked.

"I tripped and fell outside, it's fine."

You then noticed a cut on his chin. You placed your hand on his face and tilted it upward to look.

"Dustin, you're bleeding."

"Stop," he said, attempting to push your hands away. Lucas chuckled and Dustin rolled his eyes.

"You need to but a bandage on it, bud."

"It's fine!"

"It'll get infected. Hold on." You took off your backpack and handed it to Steve to hold while you rustled through it. You pulled a large bandage and alcohol wipes out and opened them.

"It's fine!"

"Remember when you scraped your elbow and it got infected? That's not happening again."

He groaned. His friends were all chuckling among themselves as you cleaned him up and put the bandage on his chin.

When you finished, you smiled and let go of his face. "What's up?"

"I'm going over to Lucas', I might not be back tonight."

"Okay. I'll be at home if you need me. Be careful. I love you."

"Love you, too."

He turned and ran off with the party, who continued to make fun of him. You turned back to face Steve, who handed your bag back to you.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Yep, let's go."

You sat on the floor in front of your bed, your back against it while he sat in front of you. You watched him attempt to write his essay. It had to be four pages, handwritten, and it had to be about The Handmaid's Tale.

"I didn't pay attention when we read it," he said with a sigh.

"What? How did you not pay attention? Gorski read it to you, you didn't even have to do it yourself."

"It was boring."

"It doesn't matter. Why'd you even take AP Lit if you're not gonna do the work?"

You were never afraid to be honest with Steve. Sometimes he lacked common sense and trusted you to drill it into his head.

"College credit. Plus, my parents kinda forced me to."

"Well, I did a report last year on The Handmaid's Tale. I can tell you what to write and you write it down."

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