best friends... right?

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POSTED ON: steve-hairingtons


You stared in the mirror and studied your features. Your Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes complemented each other well and the rest of your features fit together like an intricate puzzle. You thought you were fairly pretty, but not beautiful. And you wished you were beautiful because you wanted to be enough for Steve.

Steve was your best friend of four years. You'd met freshman year and had been inseparable ever since. You had been through everything together - graduation, the whole Upside Down ordeal, his 'King Steve' phase, and his relationship (and breakup) with Nancy.

You knew he never considered you more than a friend. You could feel it in your gut. But you were madly in love with him. You had been for three and a half years. Half a year went by before you realized your feelings, but when you did, they hit you like a brick wall.

It was Halloween of your freshman year of high school. He dressed up as a wizard. He wore a purple and black cloak and carried a staff. He refused to wear a hat, though. He didn't want to mess up his hair. He was a huge dork about being a wizard and did his best to speak in only Old English the whole night.

The last three and a half years had been absolute hell for you. Every single thing he did only made you fall more and more in love with him. Sure, you had been through rocky times - like when he spray-painted "Nancy 'The Slut' Wheeler" on the movie theater. And you resented him for a little while because of it.

But he had you wrapped around his finger and won you back within a week. You couldn't stay mad at him, as much as you hated to admit it. After all, you were in love with him.

You two tended to stay at each other's house a lot. At first, your parents were wary about allowing it but became more lenient after a little while. And that night, Steve was coming over to your house to stay with you.

You were already laying in bed reading a book when he knocked on your door.

"Hey," he said as he walked in, laying his stuff down on your desk.


"How was your day?"

He always asked this question. He was always genuinely interested in how your day was, which only helped you fall in love with him.

"Eh. It could've been better. Yours?"


"You liking the new job?"

After Starcourt burned down, he began working at FamilyVideo with Robin.

"Yeah," he said in an unconvincing voice with a shrug. He walked over and plopped down on the bed, lying flat on his back next to you. "But I kinda miss slinging ice cream. It was easy."

"FamilyVideo can't be that hard. All you do it ring people up."

"Yeah, but I have to stock tapes and shit."

"Again, it can't be that hard."

"You're the one who doesn't even have a job."

"I babysit for the neighbors! That's enough for me, and I get paid more than you."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine." You smirked at him. "I have some news," he said, excitement suddenly prominent in his voice.

"Do you?"

"I met this girl." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, your heart dropped. "At work. She came in and rented like twelve tapes. I made some dumb joke and she thought it was hilarious. She gave me her number. I spent like three hours on the phone with her yesterday."

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