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  Someone should've really given the wedding invitation job to someone besides me

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Someone should've really given the wedding invitation job to someone besides me. I'm too immature for my own well-being.

You may be thinking, how does one become immature when sending out wedding invitations?

Well, I'll answer.

"What did you want from this? To throw it in my face that you stole my boyfriend?" Diamond sneered as I opened the front door and she shoved my wedding invitation towards my chest.

I made an unattractive snort as Matteo walked up behind me, placing an arm over my shoulder protectively as I heard Willow and Benny laugh loudly from the living room.

"Well... Yeah, actually. It's kinda funny, no?" I snickered and if her face could get anymore red from anger, I'd think her head would explode like a watermelon left in the hot summer heat with multiple rubber bands surrounding its base.

"It's not fucking funny! You're so petty! I'm not coming to your wedding when Matteo was mine!" She huffed and I grinned as she stomped off the porch and away from the house.

"But you'll miss the goodie bags!" I called out as she marched away and she stuck her middle finger up, getting into her car and speeding away.

I closed the door and laughed loudly, clutching my stomach as a grin spread across Matteo's face and he shook his head at me, "I didn't think you'd actually do it."

"I did!" Gino chuckled as he rounded the corner and gave me a fist bump, "Your fiancé is a savage, Matteo."

"Not a savage, but pretty freaking funny if I do say so myself," I giggled and wrapped my arms around Matteo's torso, resting my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around me in a protective way after he brushed the hair out of my face.

"I can't believe I get to marry the most beautiful woman in the world tomorrow," he whispered and I looked up at him, shocked, "You didn't tell me you were marrying Molly Ringwald!"

He chuckled, "Surprise?"


"Willow!" I stuck my head around my doorframe into the hallway, yelling for her in absolute distress before she popped out of her room, "You okay?"

"Get in here!" I whisper-yelled and she ran over towards me, her long maxi skirt bouncing as she ran.

I grabbed her forearm and pulled her into the room, closing the door behind her, "I'm freaking the fuck out. Freaking the fuck out!"

Her eyes widened at my choice of words. I don't curse. I find it unnecessary. But right now, in these circumstances, I find it very fucking necessary.

"What's going on, Sammie," she whispered, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear in a comforting matter.

I looked at her before tears welled up in my eyes and I burst out crying, tears pouring down my eyes as I buried my face in my hands. She gasped slightly at the sudden action, but nonetheless pulled me in for a tight hug.

She rubbed my back slowly, walking us towards the bed and sitting us down, "Sammie, baby, it's okay. You can talk to me about anything. Hey,"

She pulled away and pulled my hands from my face, wiping my tears away with the soft pads of her thumb. She smiled slightly at me as I took a deep breath, calming myself so I could finally speak.

"I... I'm pregnant," I whispered, no longer meeting her eyes with my own.

"Have you told Matteo?" She asked lightly, as if she spoke any louder her voice would scare me off.

"The doctor just called me back five minutes ago to confirm that I was pregnant. Willow, I'm getting married to him tomorrow and I'm scared of his reaction to knowing I'm pregnant. Does he even want kids? Would he call off the wedding if he finds out I'm pregnant?" I rambled and she grabbed my hand, squeezing it in reassurance.

"Sammie, I honestly don't think Matteo would be upset. But for your own peace of mind, you need to tell him-"

"Tell me what?" I heard from behind us and my stomach dropped at the realization that I forgot to shut our joint bathroom door.

Willow stiffened and gave me an apologetic smile as she whispered, "Tell him. It's going to be okay."

She got up and left, closing my door behind her as Matteo sat in the previous spot Willow was just in.

"What's wrong, amore?" He asked as his large tattooed hand wrapped around mine.

Before I could stop myself, I blurted it out, "I'm pregnant and I'm scared you're going to leave me."

His eyes widened for a split second, "You're pregnant?"

I nodded, looking anywhere but his eyes before his finger found their way under my chin and forced me to look at him.

"You don't want it?" He asked with furrowed brows and now it was my turn for my eyes to widen, "What? No, of course I want it. I just didn't know if you did."

"Sweetheart, I'm marrying you tomorrow. Of course I want to build a family with you," he whispered and my heart fluttered at his words whilst the tension in my belly automatically lifted at this reassurance.

"Really?" I whispered and he nodded with a grin on his face, "Of course, Sam. But I want to keep it away from the mafia life. I don't want he or she to grow up in this shit. So once the baby is born, we leave. All of us, if you'd like, we leave and drop everything."

"Matteo, you have certain duties to uphold, you can't just up and leave!" I exclaimed with widened eyes and he shook his head, not having any of it.

"Darling, I will not have this child growing up having to count down the days before they turn certain ages and learn the ways of this organization. I will not have my rivals trying to use our child against me as a form of weakness to hurt me or you. I will not have our child growing up in paranoia that shit can go south very quickly," he stated sternly and I nodded as I protectively placed a hand on my belly, "I understand and I support it, handsome."

He lifted off of the bed and fell to his knees before me, nudging between my legs as he grinned at my belly. He placed his hands on my sides as he looked up at me with tears welling in his eyes, "We're gonna be parents, Sam. I'm gonna be a dad!"

I giggled in happiness as I brushed through his hair with my fingers, "We're gonna be a family, Matteo."

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