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      I don't honestly remember falling asleep

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I don't honestly remember falling asleep. All I remember was after Matteo instructed me to get into his car for no reason, I did exactly that and I guess that sometime while waiting for him, I fell asleep. All I know is I'm awake now, I'm in a bed with Savannah's blanket draped over me, and Matteo is asleep in a chair with Milo cuddling him on his lap. Matteo's soft snores along with Milo's filled the room and I sat up, confused. I swung my legs off the side of the bed, only to notice I'm still in my robe.

I checked the time and it read noon. Wait... noon? It was just eight at night when I walked down to Matteo's car! I stood up out of bed and grabbed my phone that was on the nightstand, only seeing two messages. One from Willow and one from Stefan.

Stefan's message read, "Please be careful and if you need me for anything please call immediately. I wouldn't let you go if I didn't believe you would be safe so keep that in mind when you wake up wondering where the heck you are. Matteo told me you were really upset so I can only imagine it had something to do with Savvie. I love you."

Willow's message read, "Hey babe, hope you are okay. Stef and Benny told me that you left with Matteo and I'm hoarding Diamond off for you. I'd also like to inform you that Matteo broke things off with Diamond last night because the supposed cousin she's been living with was actually her ex-boyfriend that she is still hooking up with. Just thought you'd like to know... for reasons... Anyways, be careful! XO"

I smiled at their messages and replied back quickly before I heard Matteo waking up slowly from across the room. I locked my phone and placed it back on the nightstand as soon as his eyes opened and he yawned, scratching behind Milo's ears before carefully placing him on the floor. Milo stretched and went right back to sleep as Matteo stood up and nodded his head at one of my bags.

"I didn't really know what to pack you so Stefan helped but we should really get going soon," he informed me and my eyebrows shot up, "How long have you been driving? Where are we going? And... why am I with you?"

He nudged Milo with his foot to show him a food and water bowl which he happily accepted. Matteo looked up at me and then at the time, "We were driving for twelve hours. Where we're going is to my hometown. You are with me because you seemed sad for a very serious reason that I won't pry into so I thought you might want to be away from everything and escape for a while."

I nodded and looked at the clock once more, "So that means you've only had a few hours to sleep. Why don't you go back to sleep for a while so we don't wreck or I can drive-"

"Out of the question. You should eat, there's food in the fridge. I'm going back to sleep for a while," he mumbled and I noticed he was dressed in jeans and a shirt as he walked back over to the recliner and I grabbed his arm, "Sleep in the bed. I'll take the recliner for a while."

He nodded in agreement and lied in the bed, immediately falling asleep. I wish I could sleep that hard again. I leaned down and scratched Milo's back as he ate his food and I seen a small door at the side of the room that wasn't the exit. I opened it and realized it was a small bathroom so I quickly gathered pajamas that Stefan and Matteo packed me and shut the bathroom door behind me. I turned on the water to allow it to heat up whilst I undressed. I slipped my robe off and since that was the only thing on me, I got into the shower and did my business. After finishing, I dressed in a plain black t-shirt that I definitely stole from Stefan's things and my Lilo and Stitch shorts.

They were some of my favorite shorts. They were black with a blue hem, blue string, and a blue Stitch on the right leg. They were almost too small for me since I bought them back in high school they hugged very close to my skin. I don't care though, they are my favorite. Stefan's shirt almost completely covered the shorts anyways. I allowed my wet hair to stay down as it almost touched my lower back, I really need a haircut.

  I walked out where Milo was playing with one of his favorite balls that Matteo must have packed for him. I played with him for a while before bringing out a plate of fruit from the fridge and eating it whilst watching Courage the Cowardly Dog on television.

  After a while of waiting around, I sighed and walked to my purse that Matteo brought along, grabbing some money and my phone. I slipped my feet into my white sneakers and called an Uber to the motel we were staying out which I recently found out was only almost five hours away from Albuquerque.

I hope dad doesn't find out I'm back in the southwest.

After waiting for about three minutes, I walked outside just as the Uber pulled up. I told him to take me to the nearest Taco Bell. I ordered mine and Matteo's food with a little help from a phone call to Gino, and then he took me back to the motel. I paid him generously before walking inside where he was still sleeping. I sat the bag of food on the small counter and climbed back into the recliner.

Milo whined at my feet until I picked him up and cuddled with him in my lap and soon, I began to doze off.

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