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Vote and enjoy✈️Freya-

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   I felt a hand on my bicep as I turned around to find Willow

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I felt a hand on my bicep as I turned around to find Willow. I was spun around, facing Ezra once again.

"Oh," I said, surprised at his audacity and boldness. He smirked down at me, towering over me as most of the men in my life normally do. He cocked an eyebrow at me with a cheeky smile, "Why won't you dance with me?"

"As I said, I'm not interested in dancing with you nor am I interested in having a drink with you," I said in an unamused tone and he chuckled, "Who said anything about having a drink with me?"

"You bought me a drink-"

"I never asked you to have a drink with me though," he retorted, making me irritated. Why is he so smug? Why is he so cocky? Why is he making me feel as if I'm running around in circles whilst having a conversation with him? Ugh!

"I'm going now," I sighed and he chuckled as he turned back towards the bar, and I made my way over to Willow.

She was laughing and dancing with the woman we met earlier- Freya. Willow looked at me and grinned, "Oooh! How'd it go with Mr. Hottie Millionaire?"

Freya's dark-brown, perfectly arched eyebrows raised as her dark-red painted lips curved into a smile, "Oooh, you have a Mr. Hottie Millionaire pining after you? Who is it? Point discreetly so we can swoon!"

I laughed as I nodded my head in the direction of Ezra, "Him. Over there in the dark blue suit." Willow giggled lightly as Freya indiscreetly peeked around my shoulder with a grin on her face, "Oh my God... oh my God!!"

"What? What is it?" I asked as I looked back and he was looking over at me. My eyes widened and I turned back to Freya who's mouth was open, "That's Ezra Fortgang! He's the man who owns this place!"

I choked on a breath and my eyes widened, Willow's doing the same. Willow's jaw dropped and she looked at me, "What did he say to you?!"

"Uhm... he just-... he bought me a drink. And then he asked me to dance with him," I said nonchalantly and Willow laughed as Freya's eyes almost popped from her skull, "And?! What did you say?!"

"I told him I wasn't interested," I shrugged and Freya scoffed before laughing, "Either you're dumb, you're gay, or you're in love with someone else."

"The last one," Willow said and I nodded as I sighed, starting to sway my hips with the music, "And that is not a conversation I want to have right now. I want to daaance!"

"Wooo!" Freya laughed and Willow giggled as we began to dance with each other to the loud, slow music playing over the speakers. Willow's hands were on my hips and mine were on Freya's.

"I haven't been touched like this in so long, you might make me horny," Freya snorted and I laughed, throwing my head back onto Willow's shoulder whilst she giggled, "I feel that!"

"You are dating my brother!" I laughed and she shrugged her shoulders, "I've just now gotten off of my period so I haven't been touched in a week!"I made a fake gag noise and she laughed as Freya turned around to face me, her hands on my hips now, "So this man you're in love with-"

"Don't want to talk about itttt," I said in a sing-song voice, making her roll her eyes playfully, "I'm serious. You don't know me, so spill."

"What do you want to know?" I asked as I continued swaying my hips along with her and Willow. Willow giggled, "Probably everything, she's nosey." Freya nodded in agreement, "You're not wrong. What's his name? Why aren't you with him now?"

"Matteo. His name is Matteo. He left because... he had business to take care of and didn't want me involved in it."

I stopped dancing, immediately becoming sad again and Freya clicked her tongue in response as she looked back at Willow, "I know you said no drinks, but it's starting to feel like we need them." I nodded in agreement and Willow did the same as we stopped dancing and pushed our way through the crowd of sweaty, drunk dancers grinding against each other. We finally made our way to the bar and Freya ordered all of us drinks; she promised they would be fruity and actually taste good.

"So... Matteo Salvatore? That's the guy you're in love with that left ya hangin'?" Freya asked once she turned around with all of our drinks in her hands. I nodded as Willow and I grabbed our pink colored drinks from her and I took a sip. It tasted like watermelon, but it was good.

"You saw the news?" Willow asked as she took a sip and moaned in satisfaction, "This is the best drink ever." Freya nodded, "A billionaire who was supposed to be arrested and put on trial for the disappearance of his girlfriend's father along with shooting his girlfriend and beating women? That kinda thing doesn't get taken lightly. I don't believe it though. Never did."

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it was all speculation and ridiculous if you ask me."

Freya hummed in agreement as she cocked her head and then turned around really fast, "Incoming, twelve o'clock. Remember, Matteo left you so you deserve another shot at happiness. Fuck Matteo. Just for tonight, okay? Have a drink with someone else. Dance with someone else. Let loose, have fun. He left you. Not the other way around, okay?"

He left me. I deserve another shot at happiness. Just for tonight. Let loose. Have fun.

She's right. Matteo left me. After I begged him not to leave me, he left. He can say it was for my own protection all he wants but at the end of the day, we could've figured it out.

Even Benny told me that he would only get locked up for a couple of days before the charges dropped. He could've just paid Diamond and Anna off. He didn't kill Alfonzo so there was no way of him getting in trouble over that. The only reason they thought Matteo was responsible for me getting shot was because Diamond and Anna said he beat them. If those charges were dropped, they couldn't pin it on him that he shot me.

But he chose the easy way out. He said so himself.

"Moving with my organization will be easy."

He told me himself it would be easy. So he did it. After I begged him not to. After I sobbed my eyes out on his lap, pleading with him to think about me. He still left, my feelings be damned.

He left me.

Willow smiled as Ezra appeared and she whispered in my ear, "He left you, Sammie. He doesn't deserve you. You stayed for him, but he couldn't stay for you. He was powerful enough to stay, but he didn't. He should've contacted you by now. On the run or not, there are plenty of ways to stay in touch, but he hasn't. He chose the easy way out. You deserve to move on. You owe it to yourself to try, babe."

I owe it to myself.

He left me.

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