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    "I didn't know you were coming," I whispered as a loud part of the movie came on

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"I didn't know you were coming," I whispered as a loud part of the movie came on.

Willow was cuddled halfway into Stef's lap, Benny was laying in between Gino's legs on the loveseat, and I'm sitting criss-cross next to Ezra.

He looked down at me and nodded, "Gino called and said you were having a particularly difficult day so come over for a movie with everyone." I scoffed, playing it off like I usually try to do, "I wasn't having a hard day. We were all just bored."

Ezra hummed in response as his finger lifted to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear before caressing my jaw with it, leaning in to whisper. His voice was raspy and deep so every time he spoke to me in a low voice or a whisper, it sent chills down my body.

"Yeah? So that's why your cheeks aren't stained with tears and your nose isn't slightly red from sniffing? Or maybe how you usually carry yourself with confidence but yet today... you're slouched."

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from blushing at his close observation. I focused my eyes on the movie instead of him. He who I have never seen outside of a suit or a surfing suit until today. Today, he was wearing a fitted white t-shirt that clung to his every muscle. And he has a lot. He was wearing black sweat pants as well and they look so good on him...

Sammie, stop. It's the hormones talking. You don't want this man in bed right now. Maybe not ever.

Ezra chuckled lowly as he scooted closed and grabbed the blanket from beside me, throwing it over our bodies since the air conditioner in the living room kicked on. I felt heat spread to my neck when his finger grazed the tops of my thighs, but I still kept my focus on the movie.

But I was not paying attention to the movie.

I was paying attention to how every time Ezra bends down to whisper in my ear, my mouth suddenly becomes dry. Or how every time he flirts with me, my knees become weakened. Or how every time he barely touches me, my heart starts palpitating from my chest as if it may rip through my rib cage. Or maybe how every time he smiles or laughs at something I say, I feel myself swooning for him harder and harder.

What am I gonna do?

"Are you okay?" Ezra whispered and nodded, swallowing the hard lump in my throat. Does he know I was just thinking about him? Oh, God, he knows! How does he know?

He hummed in response before I felt his hand on my thigh. Skin to skin. His hand was under the blanket, shielded from everyone's eyes. Yet I feel like I may melt into a puddle of jello at any given moment.

He rubbed circles on the skin of my thigh with his thumb as he closely watched the movie. I feel my heart beginning to beat faster, I feel my stomach burning with nerves, I feel the skin of my thigh heating up with his touch.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He whispered teasingly, not allowing his eyes to tear away from the very large television screen. I nodded a little too eagerly for my liking, but I disguised it as I whispered back, "I'm fine."

I saw him smirk in my peripheral vision. Oh God, what's he gonna do now?

His hand on my thigh slid upwards, inching closer to my sex before he stopped right at the base of my very short shorts. He began playing with the skin of my thigh there instead and I felt like I was trying to swallow my heart to put it back in its place.

My skin was tingling and my stomach was flipping with anxiety. My breathing was quickening and every muscle in my body was screaming two different things.

Take it slow! Do not jump into anything! You just found out some disturbing news so take it slow!


Who cares about slow?! You're an adult woman who needs to know what she wants and goes after it. You want Ezra but you're scared of how you feel so quickly after another man. Jump his damn bones!

"What about now?" He whispered and I blinked a few times, "I-I'm fine."

Crap! I stuttered! Now he knows I've lost my composure.

He chuckled lowly before moving his hand inward on my thigh so now only one small move of the shorts and he would be at my panties. I breathed in deeply as he played with the skin and massaged it slowly. He's turning me on on purpose.

He wants to get me riled up on purpose. He's winning. I am so unbelievably turned on right now. So much so that I don't know what I'm gonna do if he dips past my shorts and feels how I'm wet; even with my lacy white panties on.

"And now?" He asked and I looked up at him, nodding with a small smile before quickly reverting my attention back to the movie. Or as I like to call it... internally freaking out because I'm so turned on right now and he's about to find out.

His fingers slid my shorts out of his way before rubbing his fingers gently and slowly down the front of my panties. He chuckled lowly as he dipped down by my ear, "You're dripping, darling."

I felt my breath catch in my throat as his fingers moved my panties aside but before he touched me, "Tell me you want me to."

I blinked a few times in confusion, what? Of course, I do!

"Please," I breathed out quietly and his index finger slowly began trailing down my sex, gathering moisture on the tip of his finger, "As you wish."

His finger sent goosebumps down my body and I felt my face heat up as he slowly but expertly began circling around my clit, torturously slow.

He never picked up the pace and he never changed how hard or soft he was doing it. He was barely touching me, but also touching me just enough that I can feel how close I'm getting to a finish. His lips dipped by my ear, "I want you to come for me and I want you to not make a sound. Do you understand me?"

His dominance is a turn on and I love it.

That warm feeling began bubbling up at the bottom of my belly, but it was building much quicker than I was used to. His finger trailed in expert circles around my clit, teasing me whilst giving me exactly what I wanted at the same time.

My eyebrows began drawing close in immense pleasure and I felt myself ab to make a sound so I bit my thumb as I let my body fall into Ezra's side. My legs began shaking so much and I tried to purposely tense them so they wouldn't make a scene. Ezra moved his finger until my body calmed down and he moved my clothes back to shield my sex.

"Obedient. I like that."

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