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Willow and Stef-

Willow and Stef-

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Gino and Benny-

Sammie and Ezra-

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Sammie and Ezra-

Sammie and Ezra-

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   I finished securing my hair into a natural bun, only letting a few loose strands fall comfortably around my face

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I finished securing my hair into a natural bun, only letting a few loose strands fall comfortably around my face. I put on a little bit of blush, mascara, and then spritzed myself with my favorite perfume before grabbing my purse and walking out. Willow was waiting patiently on my bed so that I could put her naturally curly hair into a bun as well.

"I start my job Monday," Willow said as I began to take out loose strands to frame her face like I did my own, "Are you excited or nervous?"

"Nervous is an understatement. How did I even get picked? I mean, yeah, I'm skinny. But I'm also short, I have so many freckles, and I can hardly stand in heels above two inches," she sighed and I frowned as I walked around to face her, "Willow... beauty comes in every form. We're both short. So when girls as short as us that are insecure see your pictures around, they'll feel beautiful. When girls that have freckles like you do see your pictures, they'll feel like they are stunning. Honestly, you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. I mean, have you seen yourself? Naturally curly, red hair? Freckles that make your emerald green eyes pop? Come on, now. You're freaking hot!"

She grinned up at me, "You think so?"

I laughed and nodded, "I know so. Let's go!"


"Hey, sexy," A man slurred in my ear as I waited on mine and my friends' drinks. I ignored his words as I looked around to see Benny and Gino dancing with Stefan, Ezra, and Willow. I quietly drummed my thumbs on the bar and the loud music playing through the speakers drowned out my drumming. I felt the man's hands start feeling me up and I turned around instantly, "Don't touch me. Walk away."

He grinned drunkenly at me as he now tried to feel up my front. I grabbed his wrists painfully, making sure to dig my thumbs into the pressure points of the wrists and he whined in pain, "I am not interested. Do not touch me. Walk away."

I let go, turning around as the bartender put drinks in front of me on a tray. I grabbed the vodka shot and drank it quickly as well as another one once I felt the man's hands on my ass again. I turned around but he stepped forward so that I was trapped between the bar and his body. I felt his disgusting erection poking my leg, making me angrier.

"Get off of me!" I yelled and he laughed, "No can do, b-baby..." I tried to push him off of me, but before I could, Ezra appeared beside me. He raised his sleeves and cuffed them around his forearms, took off his rings, and punched the vile man in the face.

The sound of the man's nose crunching under Ezra's fist made me gasp in shock. Ezra grabbed the collar of the man's shirt and quite literally threw him across the room towards the exit. He walked over to the man and picked him up by his bicep, throwing him out of the door before coming back over to me and placing his rings back on his fingers.

He nodded his head at the bartender, "Make sure to tell janitorial to clean all of this blood up. I don't need any lawsuits being filed over someone busting their ass in it."

The bartender nodded at him and continued taking orders as I looked at Ezra with my mouth still dropped in shock.

Did he really just-?


"You okay, darling?" He asked whilst he grabbed a napkin from the bar and began cleaning his knuckles off from the man's blood. I closed my mouth and nodded, still slightly astounded from what just happened in under thirty seconds.

"Uh-huh," I squeaked out and he grabbed the tray of drinks, "Don't act so surprised. Let's go get these drinks to everyone, yes?"

I nodded as we walked over to everyone and placed the tray down on the small table in the corner. Everyone grabbed a shot and threw it back, and then again until all of the drinks were gone.

"Wanna dance?" I smiled up at Ezra and he chuckled as he grabbed my hand and led me out onto the dance floor. He placed my arms around his neck and his hands rested on my hips as he touched his body to mine. We danced to the rhythm of the music and after a while, a light layer of sweat shined on his body as it did mine.

Fun. I forgot what this was like.

I unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt and he grinned as he grabbed my cover-up and threw it onto the chair of our table, spinning me around in a circle before bringing my back to the front of his body, swaying his hips with mine.

I giggled as he bent down and kissed the back of my neck, "You are undeniably gorgeous right now, Samantha."

I bit my lip as I cocked my head to look up at him behind me, "I think that may be the liquor speaking, Mr. Fortgang."

He laughed as he spun me around to face him, my hands on his chest and his hands on my hips. He lifted his hand to brush a piece of hair on my forehead away, "For a lack of a better word, that is utter bullshit, Ms. Castillo."

"Mhm," I teased him as I let my hands purposefully travel dangerously low. He quickly gripped my wrists, keeping them in place as he stopped dancing with me. I looked up at him in confusion as his breathed quickened and he looked at me seriously, "I have never been gentle with a woman before. I have never taken into consideration of anyone's feelings but my own before. So if you are not ready to be with me intimately, please do not provoke me. It's hard enough to control myself around you anyways."

My ego has instantly been inflamed.

"Yes, sir," I teased on purpose, trying to make him purposefully irritated for my own entertainment, and his grip tightened, "Do not provoke me, Samantha."

"Yes, sir."

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