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Willow's Outfit-

Sammie's Outfit-

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Sammie's Outfit-

Sammie's Outfit-

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Benny kept a hard glance on Stef as he bit into the cupcake, making Stefan's jaw drop in betrayal

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Benny kept a hard glance on Stef as he bit into the cupcake, making Stefan's jaw drop in betrayal. Oh, no. Here we go again.

"Benjamin, I swear to God if I come in that living room and you're eating Stef's food again, I will shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be brushing my toenails instead of teeth!" Gino yelled from the kitchen and Benny's face paled immediately. Stefan smirked and cupped his hands around his mouth as if he were going to yell, but Benny put the cupcake down and slapped a hand over Stefan's mouth.

Stefan wrestled to get Benny off of him whilst Willow and I laughed to ourselves, watching the childish boys fight over a cupcake on the living room floor.

"Ten bucks says Benny wins," Willow whispered with a giggle and I laughed, "Twenty says Gino comes in before anyone wins."

As if on cue, Gino walked in as soon as Stefan's hand came across the back of Benny's hand.

"Boys! Enough!" Gino yelled irritatingly, "You're both in your mid-twenties! We have plenty of cupcakes!"

"We don't celebrate our birthdays anymore or even really acknowledge them, so why would we care about our age," Benny huffed, discreetly kicking Stefan in the shin as he stood up. Stefan yelled in protest, grabbing a pinch-full of Benny's leg hairs and ripping them out. I cringed at the sound of the hair separating from the leg and the whine coming from his lips.

"I give up," Gino exasperated and I laughed with Willow as Benny followed Gino out to apologize and suck up. Willow grabbed her wallet out and handed me a twenty just as Stefan sat down and ate the already half-eaten cupcake the Benny had originally stolen from him.

"One of these days I'll be able to eat in peace," Stef huffed and Willow giggled as she walked over to him and sat next to him, "Probably not." She stole a French fry off of his plate and he whined, throwing his head back in defeat.

I shook my head in laughter before getting up to get ready for mine and Willow's walk. We made a deal that we would go on a walk every other day to clear our heads of everything. Being the only women in the house, it's much needed to get away from the boys every once in a while. But today we're going to the new bar slash club that opened down the street from us.

"Ready?" Willow asked and I nodded as I caught glimpse of myself in the mirror.

The bags under my eyes have shrunk and they aren't as prominent anymore. I've been taking better care of myself with the help of everyone around me keeping me on my toes. I've accepted the fact that Matteo is gone and isn't coming back. And I've just recently realized what he was trying to tell me the night before he left.

He told me not to dwell on him. He told me to find someone who loves me. He told me to be happy.

He was telling me to move on. To not put my life on hold for him because he doesn't know when he's coming back... if he's coming back. I'm still heartbroken and sometimes I still get numb when I think about it. There are days when I feel happy and it feels like maybe I'm finally getting over it. But there are also days when I lay awake at night, staring at the ceiling as I reminisce over all of our happy moments.

Days when I don't even want to get out of bed. Days when I watch my phone, praying so hard that he would send a text or call. Days when I wish I could wake up from this nightmare I seem to be living. Because the fact of the matter is, I don't really want to live a life where Matteo isn't in it. And no one understands that. Gino has Benny. Stefan has Willow. I'm alone.

I had the love of my life and he slipped between my fingers. He's gone and there's a great chance that I will never see him again.

"Sammie?" Willow asked and she was standing in front of me now. I blinked a couple of times and she looked at me, concerned, before whispering, "Are you thinking about him?"

I nodded softly and she nodded in understanding as she linked her arm around mine, "Bye guys! We'll be back later. Don't wait up."

They all said their goodbyes as we walked out of the house and slid into the front of Benny's sleeked out car. Willow drove down the street and gave the keys to the man working the valet parking.

"No drinks tonight, just dancing, right?" She asked to confirm and I nodded in confirmation, "No drinking."


"That man down the bar bought you this drink," the bartender said with a grin as he sat down a cosmo in front of me. I cocked an eyebrow at who the bartender pointed to.

Ezra Fortgang.

Willow smirked as she looked at me, "I'm gonna go dance over there with that Freya girl. Come over if you need me and do not leave with that man or I'll tell your brother."

I laughed and nodded as I kissed her cheek and made my way over to Ezra.

"Hello, Ezra," I said with the drink in my hand and he turned to face me, slightly leaning against the bar, "Ms. Castillo. It's wonderful to see you alive."

"Mhm. I don't drink," I said with a smirk as I lied the drink down on the table and his lips slightly parted in shock. I assume women never turn him down, me being the first.

"But yet you're at a bar?" He asked, intrigued and I nodded, "I came for the dancing with my friend."

"Why don't you dance with me then?" He asked cheekily and I smiled before reaching my lips to his ear over the loud music.

"Because I'm not interested."

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