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 "Grab my arm and watch your step so you don't trip," Ezra said, helping me down his plane's steps

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"Grab my arm and watch your step so you don't trip," Ezra said, helping me down his plane's steps. I held onto the bottom of my dress as he helped me off and then he grabbed my waist, lifting me onto the concrete instead of the patch of grass.

He told me he loved me and then the flight attendant told me we had arrived. Now he thinks I don't feel the same way, but I do. I so do feel the same way. But I want to tell him at a good moment and not when we're being rushed off of a plane so we're not late.

"Okay, we're here, are you ready?" He asked me and I looked up at him, nodding as I put my mask on, looking towards the huge mansion in front of me in the middle of nowhere. He reached in his pocket and grabbed out his own mask, putting it on before lifting his elbow so that I could grab his bicep. I did so and we walked to the front entrance, maneuvering in and out of all of the fancy, expensive jets, and cars.

"I'm nervous," I said quietly before we walked in the entrance that was being guarded by what looked like soldiers. He turned to face me, bending down to cup my face in his hands before his lips met my own. I rested my hands on his chest as I kissed him back and he pulled away, "Don't be fooled by what you see inside. You're going to see a lot of fancy dresses, a lot of fancy tuxedos, slow Italian music, lots of fancy food and of course the fancy decor. But don't be afraid because you will be the most exquisite woman there in the most expensive dress and the most gorgeous dress there ever is."

I laughed and nodded as I grabbed his arm and we walked towards the doors where they opened them upon only seeing Ezra's face. He's that impactful? Woah...

"Four of the five Italian leaders have arrived sir," I heard a man whisper to another man as the Italian music filled my ears amongst chatter and people enjoying themselves.

Every woman in the building had on the most beautiful dresses and every man had on the most beautiful tuxes. I felt like I had just walked into a Roman empire temple. Every decor in the building was fantastic, not to mention the huge water fountain in the middle of the room along with the most gorgeous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

"Samantha, breathe. Chin up, shoulders back. Walk tall because they fear you," Ezra whispered in my ear. I felt him move directly behind me as his fingers slightly moved my hair, only to kiss the back of my neck, "Dance with me?"

I grinned cheekily at him, giving him my hand as he led me to the dance floor. I watched as he placed his hand on my back and the other one in my hand whilst my free hand rested on his shoulder. I rested my cheek against his chest, smiling to myself at how he's letting me in his life.

We began swaying with the music, too involved in each other to worry about anything else when I felt like right now was the right time to say it.

"Ezra?" I asked quietly, my cheek still resting against the fabric on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat perfectly when the vibrations of his chest told me he was speaking, "Yes, love?"

"I love you too," I said and he stopped dancing to look down at me.

He lifted my chin up and I saw the cheekiest grin of my life gracing his face in the most handsome way there was. I blushed from how intently he was looking at me and he bent down to kiss me. I stood up on my tip-goes to kiss him back and he smiled into the kiss before pulling away and resting his forehead on mine, "You just made my whole entire night."

I giggled and he kissed my forehead before a man around his height tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and they began conversing for a minute in hushed tones before Ezra nodded his head and spoke sternly, "Tell him we'll be at the champagne table and to think twice if he's thinking about being heinous towards my girl and I. I no longer have time for his my horse is bigger than your horse games."

The man nodded respectfully at Ezra before he turned around and smiled grimly, leading me to a table with glasses of champagne, "My father is expecting to meet you tonight. Apparently, he has seen you photographed with me for a while and knows we are serious."

I felt a lump in my throat form and he handed me a glass of champagne whilst he grabbed a glass of scotch.

"I'm meeting your father?"

Before Ezra even had time to acknowledge my question, a man walked up and smiled at me with the same smile I've come to love on Ezra.

"Hello, Ms. Castillo, my name is Donatello De Luca. It's a pleasure to be in your presence," he greeted with his hand out. I nervously smiled back and shook his hand, "Hi, Mr. De Luca! Please, call me Sammie."

"And call me Donatello. Hello, son," he said towards Ezra and Ezra pursed his lips before shaking his father's hand, "Father. It's nice to see you well."

"I'm only here for your initiation, son," Donatello smiled, seemingly proud of his son and Ezra chuckled dryly, "How sweet of you. I'll see you after everything is over. Kiss ma for me, will you? Unless you've brought another date to this outing. God forbid you have a reputation with your own wife."

His words dug daggers into his father. I watched his father's fists ball up, but Ezra's fists did the same. They stared each other down and I could see years of history about to either slip from the tongue or from knuckles against each other's faces.

"Dance with me?" I asked Ezra whilst grabbing his bicep and pulling him with me to the dance floor.

"It was nice to meet you, Mr- Donatello," I said and he smiled my direction as I began dancing with his son.

"I'm so sorry, I just can't seem to-"

"You have a bad history with your father and I did too at one point. Be here with me. Dance with me."

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