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   From being in the house for a couple of hours now, I've toured all of the room and happily learned that Diamond does not stay here, in fact, she stays a couple of streets over with her cousin

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From being in the house for a couple of hours now, I've toured all of the room and happily learned that Diamond does not stay here, in fact, she stays a couple of streets over with her cousin. Gino doesn't like her so out of respect for his brother, Matteo doesn't allow her to move in. Which honestly makes zero sense to me considering this house is so big that I very seriously doubt Diamond and Gino would cross paths even once.

It's now noon and Gino is writing everyone's name in a small font on a sheet of paper. He's not telling everyone what it is for and actually forced Matteo off of the phone to participate in the mysterious matter.

"I'm trying to close a business deal, I assume this is important?" Matteo asked and Gino rolled his eyes as he looked up at Stefan, "What's your middle name?" Stefan breathed in deeply, he hates his middle name. I think it's cute.

"Antonio," he responded and Gino didn't acknowledge him, only continued writing until he looked up at me next, but I answered before he could ask whilst Matteo walked away on his phone again, "Ximena." Gino's eyebrows raised in satisfaction, "That sounds familiar. Cool name though." I smiled softly and Willow nodded as she whispered to me, "He's creating a new buddy system, by the way."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Buddy system?" Gino began tearing the names off of the paper and folding them into small squares, setting them aside as Willow elaborated what she said, "Basically when you're out in public, you're assigned someone to go with- for safety measures. We had one before but we need an updated one since you and Stefan are here now."

Why do I need to go with someone else out in public?

She must have realized how confused I still was and chuckled, "Matteo is a world-wide known businessman. If you couldn't tell by how luxurious this house is, he's a billionaire as of yesterday. A billionaire is basically a synonym for paparazzi city. Crazy fans and paparazzi will do anything to get to Matteo himself or his associates; a.k.a, you, me, everyone in this house."

I didn't know it was that serious! That's insane.

"Alright, attention! Benny, let me borrow your hat," Gino said and Benny obliged, handing him his baseball cap. Gino scooted all of the small squares of paper on the counter into the hat and closed his eyes as he shook them up. After a solid thirty seconds of being sure that they were all mixed up, he dipped his fingers in the hat and pulled out two pieces of paper.

He unfolded the first one, "This would be me! Better be someone cool or I'm redoing it." He chuckled at his own joke before unfolding the other one and dramatically groaned, "Shit! Now I have to redo it! I'm just kidding, Stefan's cool but I was lowkey wanting to get Milo." We all chuckled as he pulled out two more names, "First one, Willow!" She smiled excitedly, "I had Gino last time and as much as I love him, I'm excited for someone that doesn't drag me to the fishing pole aisle every time we go shopping." I giggled softly at her words and Gino frowned at his former buddy, "I'll miss you buddy, but it looks like Benny here gets the honors of being your new one."

Willow squealed in excitement, throwing her arms around her best friend, and Gino pretended to cry, "I knew she didn't love me." Willow playfully slapped his bicep and smirked, "Remember when you were bummed to be with me because you called me the hippie weirdo? Betcha wish you could eat those words!" Gino scoffed dramatically, "You wish, loser."

I laughed and Gino threw the next two pieces of paper out on the counter, tossing Benny back his hat, "Well, the only two left are Sammie and Matteo so there's our last pair! Hopefully Diamond doesn't get jealous- actually scratch that. I hope she does so Sammie can beat her ass again."

I blushed from embarrassment, "I'm really sorry-"

"Stop apologizing! It was amazing!" Gino laughed in excitement as Matteo walked back in and discussed something with his brother in a hushed tone. Gino's face turned shocked before it drastically changed to excited. He slapped his brother's hand and pulled him into one of those bro hug things that Benny and Stef always do, "Congrats, man! This is huge!"

Willow turned to me and smiled, "Ready to go to the beach in a little bit?"

I nodded with a smile on my face and told her I would be down in a little bit. I think I need to finally get settled. I walked up the stairs quietly whilst everyone was occupied in their own conversations and reached my room. I blew out an astonished breath once my eyes fixated on my room again. I'm still in awe of this house in general and I can't believe this room is mine. Milo was asleep in the huge puppy bed next to my side of the bed on the floor. I smiled softly at him and remembered the day my sister told me about her dream puppy.

She told me she had always wanted a black and white spotted Great Dane and she wanted to name him Milo. Savannah was going to buy one just before what happened... Before that bastard took her life... I felt myself tear up at the memory but wiped it from my head as I grabbed my bags in my arms and turned the knob to the walk-in closet. The closet itself was bigger than I ever thought possible. It was the size of another bedroom and there were already feminine clothes lining everything up as well as accessories and shoes.

Willow really knew me before she knew me!

I looked around in shock before I snapped out of it and put my clothes where they needed to go. After a while of doing that and stocking the bathroom of things, I finally grabbed clothes and walked in the bathroom to shower. Out of curiosity as to why there was two doors in the bathroom, mine and one right across from it, I opened the door.

I was met with the most gorgeous black and royal blue room I have ever seen and when I saw the bedroom door open and Matteo walked through, I quickly backed into the bathroom and locked the door.

Matteo and I share a bathroom. Great.

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