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  I slowly turned around just as Willow squealed to cover herself, ran over to me and kissed my cheek, and whispered in my ear, "Holler if you need me, I'm going to go be drunk

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I slowly turned around just as Willow squealed to cover herself, ran over to me and kissed my cheek, and whispered in my ear, "Holler if you need me, I'm going to go be drunk... literally anywhere else."

Then she ran out of the room and I stumbled to stay up soberly as I looked at Matteo who was dressed in his usual suit and tie, except this time his tie was loosened.

"Hmm, I'm pr... etty tired. Goodnight," I said with a drunken smile and stumbled to my side of the bed where he walked over to me and sat me on the bed rather harshly. I scowled up at him, "Owie... What was that for?"

He rolled his eyes, "The bed is as soft as feathers, you're being dramatic. Now stop changing the subject so you can finish your little speech you were having." I pouted up at him and his face softened as I began to tear up, "S-Soft bed or not that was m-mean of you."

He crouched down to be eye level with me as he tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, pretty girl. Forgive me?"

I nodded with a big drunken smile and hiccuped as he placed his hands on my knees, "Now will you explain to me what you were telling Willow?" I sighed and threw myself backward onto the bed as I turned myself and hung my head off of the bed so that I was looking at him upside down, "We could Spider-Man kiss like this, you know? If only you hadn't ignored me for an entire freaking month."

He frowned slightly, "I was trying to not push boundaries. I suck at this whole... caring for someone's emotions rather than my own thing. I'm sorry."

I nodded as the blood rushed to my head and I began to feel dizzy, "Well... my vision has dots and I'm so drunk that... I-I feel like I'm glued to the bed. I shouldn't have drunk that second glass of v-vodka."

Matteo chuckled deeply as he carefully moved me so that my head was laying on the pillow. My shirt was riding up to just above my bellybutton so that my lacy red panties were on display and he cleared his throat, looking away, "You should sleep now." I frowned slightly, the liquid courage talking, "No goodnight kiss?"

He studied my face for a minute with a slightly lopsided smile before he bent down and kissed me gently. I placed a lazy hand on his cheek, kissing back before he covered me up and turned my bedside lamp off, "Sweet dreams, Sam."


"Gino!" I yelled in horror as I stared into the no chocolate milk having fridge. He ran in here like a deer in headlights, "What's wrong?!"

I glared at him, "What's wrong? What's wrong is the fact that you promised there would be a glass of chocolate milk left in this fridge for me! We're the only two people in this suite that like chocolate milk and I started my period today so I need chocolate milk right now or I'm going to cry!"

His eyes widened as I began to cry whilst cramps took over my belly and then Stefan walked in the room with two bottles of chocolate milk, "One for you both. Please stop crying."

I snatched Gino's chocolate milk from his hands since he drank mine and marched into my room as I laid on the bed, crying into the pillow with my butt in the air for some relief to my belly. The bathroom door opened and I heard Matteo walk in as he walked over to my side and sat down, bringing me onto his lap sideways.

I looked up at him with my chocolate milk bottles in hand and he took his thumb, wiping my tears as he gently rubbed my belly, "Do you need medicine? I can go get you some."

I sniffled and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand as I looked up at him, "Would you really?"

He chuckled as he brushed his fingers through my hair, "Of course. Do you need anything else?" I shook my head and he placed me back on the bed, handing me the remote and an extra pillow to hold to my belly.

"I'll be back soon. Call if you need me," he said after kissing my forehead. I nodded and smiled slightly at him before he walked out of the room. He's literally the most amazing person ever.

"I'm sorry, Sammie! Please forgive me! I'll even buy you pizza!" Gino shouted from behind the door and I giggled through my tears, "Come in, goofball."

He opened the door slowly and walked in slowly as well as if I would murder him if he did the wrong thing. He sat in the chair next to the bed and looked at me, "I'll bake cookies tonight and I promise to give you the most if you forgive me."

"Deal," I said with a smile and he looked at the extra chocolate milk and I nodded at him, "Just this once." He pumped a fist in the air in victory as we drank it together and he high-fived me before leaving.

After watching cartoons forever, the bedroom door opened and Matteo walked in with a couple of grocery bags. He flopped them onto the bed and I sat up to see what he bought.

"I don't know what period medicine is so I had to call Willow and she told me to get you these. She also told me that just because you said you didn't want anything else doesn't mean you won't kill me if I show up with nothing. So I got you some purple Doritos, Hot Cheetos, and barbecue chips. I also got you cookies and cream ice cream, vanilla ice cream, white macadamia nut cookies, rainbow goldfish crackers, and a six-ring sprite," he explained and I looked up at him with teary eyes as I began crying. His eyebrows met together in panic and confusion as he ran by my side, "What's wrong? What happened?"

I shook my head as I sobbed into my hands, "I love you and you're perfect and I know it's probably too soon for me to love you but I do, and I really want to eat hot Cheetos with you and dip them in the vanilla ice cream but you probably think that's gross and-"

"I'll eat whatever you want to eat with you and I love you," he said with a soft smile and my mouth fell open as I looked up at him, "Really?"


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