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    "White wine, please," I smiled up at the waiter and he nodded and walked away to get mine and Matteo's drinks

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"White wine, please," I smiled up at the waiter and he nodded and walked away to get mine and Matteo's drinks.

Matteo chuckled and shook his head, "You flustered the poor guy."

"What? No, I didn't," I said defensively and he smirked, "Mhm." I rolled my eyes with a playful smile, "Why? Are you jealous or something?"

He laughed and fixed his tie, "You're mine so why would I need to get jealous? It's no secret that you're beautiful and on top of that, you're dressed in a beautiful, tight dress that I am completely taking off of you at the end of the night."

I blushed and the waiter came back with our glasses and drink of choice. He poured it into our glasses and left the bottle per the request of Matteo. Matteo told him our orders, both being the steak dinner.

"This place is beautiful," I said softly as I looked around and he nodded, "It is. So tell me more about this EDC we're supposed to be going to." I grinned and nodded, excited to tell him more about the things Stefan and I loved so much.

"It's a carnival but for ravers and such. There are carnival rides, people that dance with fire, pole dancers, stilt walkers, food stations, and of course the rave station as well. The lights are so gorgeous, especially at night. You can dance, eat, drink, smoke up, people even get married there. They even have fireworks, too," I gushed and he smiled, "That sounds cool. Everyone had a lot of fun with you guys last night so I expect EDC to be no different."

I beamed at him, I love that he loves what I love if that makes sense. Someone sharing my passions with me and being equally as excited as I am makes my heart happy. And that someone being Matteo makes the experience all the more better.

"I love you," I said with a small smile, "I'm sorry I don't say it enough."

He chuckled and grabbed my hands from across the table, "I love you and you don't have to say it. You show me every day that you love me and that's perfect for me, okay? Don't be sorry, sweetheart."

I blushed and nodded as the waiter came back, "Two steak dinners for you both. Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No, thank you," I smiled and he nodded as he walked away and we both began eating with a comfortable conversation in between.

"Well, Mr. Salvatore. Now I see why you couldn't push the meeting for tonight instead," A masculine voice with a harsh German accent spoke from behind me. Matteo's head snapped up and his eyes hardened on the man. The vibes I got sent a chill down my spine so I didn't even look behind me. This must be mafia business.

"Mr. Schaefer, this is highly inappropriate and I will speak with you tomorrow at our selected place of business," Matteo's raspy, threatening voice spoke coldly to the man. His voice was so ominous that if I didn't know him, I would for sure run the other way.

"Hello, gorgeous, what's your name?" The man said as he sat down in the booth right next to me, forcing me to move over.

I yelped slightly at the force as he knocked me into the wall and Matteo slid out of the booth, standing up angrily. Oh, no. This isn't going to end well.

"Sam, go wait in the car, please, darling," he said without breaking eye contact with the vile man next to me. He smelled of a distillery and his rough, calloused hand on my thigh was making me itch to vomit in his lap.

I nodded and looked towards the man, waiting for him to get out of my way so I can leave Matteo to do what he's going to do. The man chuckled and looked towards me, "Sam? That's a pretty little name for a pretty little girl. Are you mute? Can you not talk? Or do you have your little boyfriend speak for you?"

"Can you please move?" I asked softly once I spotted the butt of a gun sticking out of his belt, hidden away from the eyes of Matteo. He smirked and shook his head, "No can do, princess. We're going to do business right here."

"Step away from her, Schaefer," Matteo said and once the man next to me began quietly arguing with him, I grabbed my phone and texted Gino discreetly, "911 at Heising. A guy named Schaefer is here and Matteo is mad. I can't physically leave. Please help, it's getting bad fast."

I turned my phone off immediately after in case I got a bunch of calls. I diverted my attention back to Matteo once Schaefer's back was to me and I mouthed that he has a gun on him to Matteo. Matteo nodded discreetly and I had to think quickly so there isn't a blood bath tonight.

I took my pinky finger and scooted my wine glass off onto the floor, immediately letting the fine china shatter in pieces whilst the wine spilled in the vile man's lap, "Oh my goodness, I'm so clumsy. I'm sorry, Mr. Schaefer!"

He glared at me and stood up, grabbing the napkins to pat his soaked dress pants, "Get a grip on your pet, Mr. Salvatore or I'll do it for you."

Matteo's nostrils flared and before I could do anything, he grabbed a gun out of the back of his pants and stuck the tip of it against Schaefer's throat, hiding it from other diner's as he stepped real close to him, "Speak against her name again and I'll carve your tongue out of your mouth, Elias. You have tried to ruin my family's legacy with your disgusting trafficking of children, you have walked way out of your place and have become highly inappropriate in front of my girl. You're done."

My heart started palpitating fast once I looked around and noticed someone at every dinner table was holding a gun and pointing it at Matteo. A lump formed in my throat as Elias Schaefer began smiling and Matteo's finger found the trigger, itching to pull it.

"Matteo," I whispered in fear and he looked over at me and then followed my gaze to see everyone holding a gun. I saw anger flash in his eyes and he looked at me with the most terrifying look I've ever seen him hold.


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