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   "I'm going to go find Matteo, it's late and I'm really tired," I said, buzzed from the beer I drank with Willow

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"I'm going to go find Matteo, it's late and I'm really tired," I said, buzzed from the beer I drank with Willow. She nodded her head in agreement, "I'm going to find Stef too. Gino and Benny left like fifteen minutes ago." I kissed her cheek bye as I shrugged my flannel over my shoulders more, the crisp air of the night giving me goosebumps regardless of the fire.

I walked around for what seemed like ever before I finally found him, but he looked angry as he argued with someone. My eyebrows scrunched together and as I climbed closer I noticed he was arguing with that Anna girl from earlier? I kept my distance but I could hear what they were saying as her hands met his chest. In turn, he grabbed her wrists harshly and threw them down, "Don't fucking touch me, Anna. This is ridiculous."

"Why is it ridiculous? We were together for three years in high school and we've hooked up various times since then. What's changed? Are you a changed man?" She mocked as she laughed and he pursed his lips, "I don't have any interest in you, Anna. I'm with someone. Go away."

I smiled softly at his loyalty but frowned beforehand upon learning she's his ex and she's trying to sleep with him again. He walked off from her, only for her to grab his bicep and pull him to her, kissing him deeply. He pushed her down to the sand just as I intervened, "Hey! What the hell is your problem?"

She stood up with an annoyed chuckle, dusting her ass off as she looked at me, "Hey, Sarah, was it? I'm trying to have a conversation with him right now so could you give us some privacy?"

I clicked my tongue as Matteo rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand as he began to walk away with me, "Her name is Sammie and no because she's my girlfriend and we're leaving."

"She's your girlfriend? Talk about a downgrade," she scoffed and I yanked my hand away from him as I marched up to her. This was really weird because she was much taller than me, but I stood my ground.

"I'm a downgrade yet you called me gorgeous. Ironic, isn't it? Leave him alone, Anna, he's not interested," I warned her, and Anna smirked down at me, "Babe, I know this sucks for you but he'll leave you in about a week. Matteo always has flings but at the end of the day he always runs back to me."

Matteo laughed, genuinely, holding his stomach, "Comical! Do you realize I haven't fucked you in a year? You were a fling. Sammie is not. I've been with her for a while now, I love her, and she's not going anywhere. Sam, let's go, sweetheart."

I winked at her before Matteo and I walked to his car. He sighed as I leaned my back against the car and looked at him. He sighed, "I'm so sorry about that. I don't know what that was. I thought she was over me because it's been a long time and I didn't even know she lived in California anymore-"

I trailed my hands up from his toned abdomen onto his hard chest and he watched my hands as they trailed his tattooed skin. I looked up at him through my lashes, "Kiss me."

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