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  My eyes fluttered open to the bright suite and the memories of last night came flooding back into my head

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My eyes fluttered open to the bright suite and the memories of last night came flooding back into my head. I grinned widely as I remembered Matteo telling me he loved me. I was cuddling Matteo's bare chest and I sat up, only for Matteo to wake up slightly and look at me.

"Good morning," he said. God his morning voice is so sexy. I smiled at him slightly before I realized something. It's been a month of being in Paris, we need to go. Stefan and I always keep traveling and I need to keep that tradition going if I want to keep up appearances on my Instagram page. Since being in Paris, I've posted four different posts since I need to post once a week, and my reach has spread immensely.

I swung my feet over the side of the bed and put my shorts on, "I'll be back!"

I ran into the living room where Willow was on top of Stefan, kissing him as he grabbed her butt. My eyes widened as I saw tongue and I shrieked, running back into the bedroom where I slammed the door shut and leaned my back against it.

Matteo cocked an eyebrow at me, "Are you okay?"

"Sammie! Sammie open the door!" Stefan yelled and I shook my head as I looked at Matteo with pleading eyes. Realization clicked in his eyes and he held his belly as he laughed really hard, "Way to go Stefan!"

"Oh my God, please tell me your sister didn't just walk in on that," I heard Willow sigh and I snorted as I opened the door, "Please, oh please, do that in your room next time, guys. I am scarred for life, do you understand?"

Willow's face was so red it matched her hair and Stefan pursed his lips embarrassingly, "You got it. Sorry." I giggled and Matteo put his shirt on as he came over to me and kissed my cheek before leaving the room. Stefan's eyebrows raised and he looked back and forth between Matteo's descending body and me, "Am I missing something?"

"Get up to speed, slow-poke. That storm's been brewing for a while," Gino said and I covered my face in embarrassment as he continued, "I walked in on them last month."

Stefan threw his head back and groaned as Benny laughed from his room, "That's priceless!"

"Stef, it's been a month. Where to next?" I asked as I flopped on the couch in the living room and he looked at Willow and Gino, "Anywhere you guys want to visit?" They thought for a moment before shrugging and Matteo walked back in the room with a bowl of cocoa pebbles cereal and handed it to me whilst holding a bowl of his own, "How about Page, Arizona?"

My eyebrows scrunched together, "Okay, first of all, cartel people are trying to kill Stef and me. Second, Arizona is a southwestern state. How is that going to work."

"I'm your dad's boss so he can't tell you when and where to go in the U.S. And I've dealt with my cartel members," he said nonchalantly as he sat down in the chair, eating his cereal. Everyone stared at him dumbfounded until Stefan spoke up, "What the hell?"

"You've been here the entire time, how did you deal with the cartel?" I asked as I ate my cereal and he looked at me seriously, "They aren't a problem anymore. So would you like to visit Arizona or not? I have business there in a few days and there's plenty of places you can visit like Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend-"

"I would like for you to answer my questions," I said as I sat my cereal down and he sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, speaking harshly, "Sam, I put the order out and they are now dead. Is that what you wanted to hear? Christ."

"Duh," Stefan said, relieved, as he flopped on the couch and brought Willow with him. I grabbed my cereal and began eating in silence as I watched the television. I felt eyes on me but I ignored them as I finished my cereal in silence and got up to go wash it in the sink. I dried it and put it up but I felt someone watching me so I turned around and walked to the bathroom, brushing my teeth. The bathroom door slightly opened, but I continued brushing my teeth since I didn't want to talk.

"Sam, why are you ignoring me?" Matteo asked and I flossed before pushing past him to find my outfit for the day.

"Sam," Matteo said loudly and I whipped around to face him, "What?"

He grabbed my hands and led me to the bed where he sat beside me, "I know you didn't want to hear about me having others killed, but they were going to harm you and I can't have that happening-"

"I'm not angry because you told me you killed people who were planning to endanger me and my brother. I'm angry because you got an attitude when you told me," I said with pursed lips and his eyebrows scrunched together, "Uhm... Okay... That's not what I was expecting."

I shrugged as I stood up and walked over to the closet, picking out a dress to wear on the flight back to America, "We need to pack." He glanced at me as I grabbed a cute olive-green summer dress and I looked at him as I threw my shirt off, my bare chest on display.

His lips slightly parted in shock as I threw my shorts off so now the only thing I was standing in was my lacy red underwear. He stood up and walked over to me but I shook my head and quickly put a matching bra on, "No, sir. You don't get to touch."

He looked surprised as if I would never do this and it took all of the willpower from inside of me not to laugh at his expression. I threw the dress on over my head. It reached the tops of my thighs and it was an off-the-shoulder dress and the sleeved reached the bend of my arms. It was a beautiful dress.

I brushed my fingers through my hair as I slipped my feet in sandals. I turned around to face him and I smirked once I seen the imprint of his erection in his sweatpants. I still don't know how that's going to work for me, but I trust him.

I walked over to him and stood up on my tiptoes as I placed a kiss on his neck, "I'll be in the living room if you need me."

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