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  "Wake up, Sam," I heard Matteo's rough morning voice whisper raspily into my ear before I felt his lips kiss the skin below it

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"Wake up, Sam," I heard Matteo's rough morning voice whisper raspily into my ear before I felt his lips kiss the skin below it. I smiled softly as I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him.

"What time is it?" I breathed out as I stretched my legs and he cocked his head over my shoulder so he could look at the clock on the table behind me, "Nine. We need to get up and get dressed so the maintenance man can clean the windows."

I looked down and noticed the only thing I was wearing was my lacy pink panties. We both took a shower last night after everything before coming back to bed. I nodded and sat up, stretching my arms before I climbed on top of him before he could get up. I laid on his body, hugging him to me as he laughed, "You do realize you're about as light as a feather? So you clinging to me will not prevent me from getting up."

I groaned into the crook of his neck and his hands slid up the bare skin of my back, and before I could prepare myself, his fingers immediately attacked my tickle spots. I squealed and hopped off of him, throwing his black shirt on and my pink shorts before walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

After feeling much better, I exited the bathroom where Matteo was waiting for me.

"Willow wants you to go upstairs and help her with something," he said and I nodded, kissing him on the cheek before walking upstairs to the main level. I spotted Stefan playing video games with Benny whilst Gino was filing paperwork on the island counter. Willow was nowhere to be seen so I walked over to Stefan and poked him in the cheek, "Where's your girly-friend?"

"Bedroom. Be warned, she's in a weird mood today. She won't talk to me," he said distractedly with a slight frown on his lips. My eyebrows connected in confusion before walking over to their bedroom and knocking on the door. The door opened immediately and she grabbed my hand, yanking me inside.

My eyes widened in surprise and I shut the door behind me. Her face was streaked with tears and her eyes had a wild look in them, "Solemnly swear right now that what I say stays between us. Do it!"

I nodded in confusion, "Of course, Willow. What's going on? Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"I think so, please just pinky swear right now that you won't tell anyone?" She asked with tears filling her eyes and I nodded, internally freaking out right now. I hooked my pinky with hers and she lifted her shirt with a grimace on her face as if she's in pain by just doing that.

Then I saw it and my stomach dropped, "Willow... this is so progressed..."

Her left breast was severely inflamed, the skin around her nipple was red and flaky, and it was swollen immensely. She nodded and pulled her shirt back down, "I'm so scared... I felt a lump in my breast because I regularly check monthly but I just thought it was a calcium deposit or something. I-I don't know what to do, Sammie. Please tell me what to do."

"We... We need to call Matteo's doctor."


"We'll call you with the results. Try to rest as much as possible and eat lightly to avoid nausea," doctor Romani stated and I rubbed the back of Willow's hand softly, "Uhm... about how long will it be before you get her results in?"

"Two to three days tops. I'll put a rush on it," he said sternly and I nodded, "thank you." Willow wiped her tears with the back of her hand as he left the room and I helped her off of the examination table where she began to sob in her hands, "H-he... I-I don't... I-I-"

My own tears filled my eyes but I pushed them back to be strong for her. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and she sobbed into my shoulder whilst I stroked her curly red hair behind her shoulder. I rubbed her back with my other hand as I cooed soft words into her ear to get her to calm down.

Matteo, Stefan, Benjamin, nor Gino know anything about this. I grabbed doctor Romani's contact from Matteo's contact book and he agreed to meet us at the American hospital in the Maldives. It took him a day to get here so Willow and I have just been camping out in the room watching movies to avoid the boys.

After a while, a nurse came into the room with an apologetic smile, "Ms. Mullins? I have your discharge papers whenever you're ready." I unwrapped my arms from Willow and grabbed them, thanking the nurse quietly before I turned back to Willow. She was wiping her tears with her shirt and grabbed a kleenex from the desk, blowing her nose.

"Okay," she said shakily before taking a pen from the desk and signing off on everything before I seen Matteo's face pop up on the television behind her head. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as a red bar went under his picture reading, "Matteo Salvatore, CEO of Salvatore Enterprise, domestic violence allegations."

What the hell? I grabbed the remote and turned the TV up just as a woman began talking with Matteo's picture on the top right corner of the screen.

"Matteo Salvatore, the man who is the head of the largest hotel franchise across the world, with counting over eleven thousand hotels in eighty-seven different countries and seven continents, is currently facing serious allegations of domestic violence. He's been a worldwide bachelor for years and has never been out of the paparazzi's eyes, yet we have never seen him in a serious relationship except for recently."

"What the hell is that bitch talking about?" Willow asked angrily and my eyes widened at her choice of words. She's never been angry and called a woman out of her name, but I guess being in pain will do that to you.

"I... I have no idea," I said quietly as I kept listening.

Two pictures popped up of Diamond and Anna together, smiling at a party before the woman began speaking again, "Diamond Jackson and Anna Genzlinger are, allegedly, former romantic partners of Matteo Salvatore. They came forward just today with the accusation and a warrant is in the works. We are not certain if this is true, but someone else did some digging and the current romantic partner of Salvatore, Samantha Castillo, who's father was recently announced as a missing persons, was recently hospitalized for a gunshot wound to the abdomen. No arrests were made in the case and charges were never filed. In fact, there was no investigation at all."

My heart started palpitating in my chest, crap! Why didn't we think about this?! What's going to happen?!

"Back to you, Beatrice," the news lady said and it showed another case of something else.

We're screwed.

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