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   "I want to die," I groaned as I coughed into my arm, and Willow nodded in agreement as she sneezed into the bend of her arm, "Going into that freezing ass water was a big mistake

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"I want to die," I groaned as I coughed into my arm, and Willow nodded in agreement as she sneezed into the bend of her arm, "Going into that freezing ass water was a big mistake."

It's been a week since we were at the beach bonfire party and Willow and I are sick as dogs because of going into the cold water and then warming up super quickly by the fire. Willow doesn't have it as bad as I do because I have a naturally weak immune system so when we went to the doctor, the doctor told Willow she just has a head cold but I have a head and chest cold.

I was prescribed some antibiotics and I've been taking them for four days now. I grabbed my apple juice from the fridge and handed her one as well, "I'm going to take a shower and hopefully wash the sickness away."

"Have fun," she said hoarsely and I made my way upstairs and into the bathroom after sitting the apple juice in my room. I started the shower and undressed from my pajamas then walked inside. I lathered my hair with shampoo and just as I began scrubbing my scalp, the shower door ripped open and I screamed, covering myself before I realized it was just Matteo.

"You scared the crap out of me," I breathed and he looked at me, "Did you take your medicine today?"

"Uhm... no, I was going to take them after dinn-"

"Here. I brought them and your B12 vitamins," he said as he handed me a couple of pills and a glass of apple juice. I giggled quietly at his concern as I threw the pills in my mouth and took a big gulp from the juice before I could taste the pills. That would be gross.

"The heating blanket is on in my bed and I'm going downstairs to make your soup. Dry your hair so you don't get sicker," he said before kissing my cheek and closing the shower door. I began continuing my shower since he left.

He won't let me sleep in my bed because he wants to check on me all the time so he makes me sleep with him. I swear he's worse than an actual doctor, but I love the concern. It makes me feel like I'm special.

"Sammie!" I heard Gino yell from the door and I washed the conditioner from my hair after waiting three minutes for it to soak, "What?"

"Benny is hogging the toilet in our bathroom, Willow is hogging the toilet in hers, Stefan is using the half bath downstairs and I have to pee so bad right now!" He whined loudly and I laughed as I made sure he couldn't see me from the shower, "Come in! Make it quick!"

He thanked me exasperatingly as he barged in and began peeing in the toilet. I chuckled to myself and he sighed in relief dramatically and he flushed before yelling thanks and shutting the bathroom door. I shut the water off just as I had the biggest sneeze build-up on the planet. I sneezed so loud that it echoed and I laughed at it.

I'm going crazy.

I dried myself and my hair before wrapping the towel around me and walking into Matteo's room where he had my underwear and my favorite black shirt of his lying on his bed as he has since forever now.

I dressed quickly and got into bed, pressing play on the Sixteen Candles movie he had waiting for me. Molly Ringwald is so pretty.

After getting about ten minutes into the movie, Stefan walked in with a small wrapped box and looked at the TV, "Is that the Molly Ringworm chick?"

I laughed as I paused the movie, "Ringwald, Stefan. Molly Ringwald." His mouth formed an O shape before he sat beside me, "How are you feeling?" I shrugged, "Better than yesterday, I suppose."

"That's good. I got you a present," he said as he handed it to me and I sat up slightly as I smiled, taking it from him and unwrapped the box. I took the top of the box off and gasped slightly.

A beautiful picture of me smiling whilst Milo licked my cheek was displayed on a small canvas. We were in Montreal, Canada, overlooking the city.

I felt my eyes tear up as I admired the beautiful photo, "Stef, this is so gorgeous. I love it so much!"

I wiped the tears from my face as I hugged my brother tightly, "Thank you."

"No problem. I'm going to go take care of my own sick woman. Feel better, okay?"

I nodded just as Matteo walked in with a tray holding my soup in a bowl. Stefan patted Matteo's back as Matteo sat it on my lap, "That's a beautiful picture." I nodded as I sat it on the bedside table, "I miss him." Matteo nodded in agreement with the faint outline of a smile on his face, "He was a good pup."

I tasted the soup and it was heavenly. It was homemade chicken noodle soup with carrot bits and it tasted amazing, "Matteo, this is so good!"

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I can't take full credit, Benny had to help."

"It's still really good, thank you. Watch the movie with me even though Jake Ryan owns a piece of my heart?" I asked with a sly smile and he chuckled as he rounded the other side of the bed and slid under the covers with me, "So long as you know that Molly Ringwald owns a bit of mine, too."

"That makes two of us!" I said with a giggle and he high-fived me, playing the movie as I began finishing the soup. Matteo rubbed my back softly as we kept our focus on the movie. It's a classic, everyone should watch this movie at least once.

I may be sick but this was a wonderful day and it's all because of the people I surround myself with.

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