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   I didn't even say anything as I stood up from the couch and walked upstairs, into my bedroom

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I didn't even say anything as I stood up from the couch and walked upstairs, into my bedroom.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.

Did I really just do that? Did I really just let a guy I've only been on one date with, never mind the fact he saved my life, touch me?! Let alone bring me to a finish?! Oh, but he did it so well, though... that's the fastest I've ever been brought to an orgasm and he just... oh, I can't wrap my head around this.

I closed the door to my bedroom, leaning against it to catch my breath. I began to think about everything. Matteo is gone. He has moved on. He's with different women every night whilst being only God knows where.

So... I'm gonna take a shower. Wash my skin from Matteo. And then... I'm gonna ask Ezra out on a date. Maybe a triple date. Yeah, that sounds good.

I walked into my closet and grabbed a pair of my form-fitting lavender-colored joggers and a regular graphic t-shirt. I grabbed my usual matching lacy black underwear set before I walked in the bathroom and quickly began showering, washing myself of Matteo.

I scrubbed my skin harder than ever and then I scrubbed my hair harder than ever. I scrubbed his touch away. I scrubbed where his hands have touched me, where his tongue has touched me, where his lips have touched me. I scrubbed my hair, where his hands have gripped, where he has run his fingers through.

I scrubbed so hard my skin turned pink. And then I rinsed. I rinsed that year of my life away. I rinsed it all down the drain. And I burst into tears of happiness once the soapy suds were no longer on the shower floor.

I wrapped my arms around myself, standing underneath the hot water as I cried tears of happiness.

Matteo Salvatore is gone. His hand no longer holds me. He's no longer stringing me along and making me believe all of his lies. He's gone. And this will make it easier not to love him anymore.

After finishing my shower, I stepped out and dried my hair along with my body before quickly getting dressed. I walked downstairs barefoot until I reached the kitchen where Gino was grabbing out a small bottle of orange juice.

"Hey," I said as I grabbed a bottle of water out and he turned to look at me with a, "Can I tell you something? Can I just be super fucking forward real quick?"

My eyebrows met in confusion, "Of course, G." He sighed, nodding as it seemed as if he were building up the courage to say whatever it is.

"My brother is a piece of shit. We know that now because it was quite literally exploited all over national television. I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather not see his grimy face ever again. Anyways, that's beside the point. My brother is a joke. He played you and he played all of us," he said with a disgusted look on his face and I shifted uncomfortably until he walked over to me, grabbing my hands in his, "But, Sammie, your opportunity to start over is in that living room."

I opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it, "You've been struggling to move on because you feel like you're betraying Matteo. That has been evident for so long. But today, you got your proof that his feelings no longer matter. That was your confirmation to fall in love with someone else. To do whatever you want to do without worrying about Matteo coming back and asking for you to love him again. Ezra Fortgang is in our living room. And he's sweet, he's funny, he's obviously super handsome, but he's also here for you."

Tears welled up in my eyes at the honesty Gino was telling me as I nodded.

"Sammie, do you want to know what I told Ezra on the phone?" Gino asked quietly and I nodded.

"I told him that you've been through enough shit to last a lifetime. I told him that today was super hard for you because you had a breakthrough of sorts. So I told him to only come over if he's genuinely interested in making a future with you. I told him to stay away if he's going to waste your time. He lives ten minutes away and he was here in five," Gino said quietly as my lips slightly parted in shock but Gino finished, "So I want you to stop crying over the other Salvatore brother. I want you to pick your head up and try again with Ezra. But this time, do it guilt-free."

I nodded as I wiped a tear away and I wrapped my arms around Gino's torso, hugging him tightly as he hugged me back. I breathed in deeply to calm down as I spoke through Gino's shirt, "Thank you, Gino. I love you."

"I love you too, now it's only like eight at night and it's a weekend. What are we doing tonight?" He asked as he pulled away and I smiled, "Well, for starters, I'm gonna go in the living room and ask Ezra on a triple date with all of you guys. So we'll go from there..."

Gino cocked an eyebrow with a playful glint swimming in his dark hazel eyes, "I'm proud of you." I laughed as I took a drink of my water before turning around and making my way to the living room.

Ezra was conversing with everyone before I flopped back down beside him and he looked me over, "You showered?"

"Yes. Do you want to go somewhere with me tonight and possibly go with everyone here?" I asked, trying to hide the hopeful tone. He smirked as he leaned in closer, "Samantha, are you asking me on a date?" I bit my lip slowly and nodded, "Mhm."

"Where did you have in mind?" He asked and I racked my brain for a second, I hadn't gotten that far yet. I smiled once I realized where I wanted to go, "My favorite restaurant in L.A. Then we'll go to your club afterward. Is that okay?"

"Sounds perfect. I'm going to get ready, I'll be back in a bit."

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