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  "Are you provoking me on purpose, darling?" He asked with a dark tone underlying his voice and I shrugged as I released my wrists from his grasp, placing my fingers on his abdomen, "So what if I am?"

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"Are you provoking me on purpose, darling?" He asked with a dark tone underlying his voice and I shrugged as I released my wrists from his grasp, placing my fingers on his abdomen, "So what if I am?"

"What happened to being obedient?" He asked with an eyebrow raised and I smirked up at him, "Touch me again like earlier, and maybe the obedience will reappear... or maybe it was a one-time thing."

He chuckled lowly as he grabbed the back of my neck and bent down, his lips next to my ear, "Is that an invite or are you being a tease again? Hmm?"

I shivered slightly at how his voice was making me feel things and I shrugged softly again, "Take me home and you'll find out."


"Fuck!" I cried out as his lips attacked my neck whilst I simultaneously began undoing his belt. He pulled away from my skin as he ripped my skirt off of me, leaving me in nothing but a lacy pink, half-transparent bodysuit.

He bit his lip as his eyes scanned my body before he lifted me up and placed me on the island counter. The only light in the kitchen was from the overhead across the room. I struggled with unbuttoning his pants but I finally got it and forced them downwards as his fingers gripped the back of my neck roughly and he kissed me.

His hands roamed my body and I wrapped an arm around his neck whilst my free hand tangled in his tamed hair, messing it up and tousling it. I moaned into the kiss and his fingers found the straps of my bodysuit, pulling them down my arms.

I pulled the bodysuit down below my breasts and his hands immediately lifted to caress them.

He groaned into the kiss as he pinched my nipples and replaced his lips on the base of my neck, sucking slowly. I bit my lip, throwing my head back in pleasure as he continued his attack of kisses all over my neck. I grabbed his shirt and ripped it away from the buttons.

Buttons went flying and he quickly threw the shirt off as he found his mouth on my breasts. I hissed in pleasure of his warm tongue swirling against my nipples and he palmed my sex whilst doing so.

"Fucks sake, you're so wet," he groaned as he left love bites all over my body. He lifted my ass a bit as he tore the bodysuit off of me and roughly spread my legs, bringing me forward onto the counter as he bent down, kissing all over my inner thighs and licking as well.

"Holy shit, Ezra," I breathily moaned out and he hummed in response to my satisfaction. He took his time as he gently yet also roughly kissed me all over, stroking himself after tearing the rest of his clothes off.

"Lift your feet onto the counter now," he instructed and I did as told. He stepped back and moaned deeply at the sight of me, "God damn, you're irresistible."

I blushed and bit my lip and he growled lowly as he cupped my face in his hands, kissing me passionately, "Yet you're so innocent at the same time..."

Before I could respond, his lips found my hot core and I gasped as he slipped a finger in whilst sucking, kissing, and licking my clit. I felt my orgasm build faster than ever before he added another digit, curling them with every stroke of his tongue.

I laid backward on the counter, gripping the edges and trying to keep quiet. His free hand gripped the skin of my thigh roughly before swatting it. I jumped and gasped in pain and pleasure as he did it again.

I slowly felt my legs begin to violently shake as well as my toes curling roughly. He kissed my clit one last time before aggressively grabbing my hair and pulling me upwards. He kissed me deeply, allowing me to taste myself on his tongue and swollen lips. I moaned as my fingers eased down his abs, feeling every crevice between each one.

"You taste fucking delectable, darling," he breathed out as he pulled away from the kiss and I grabbed the base of his girthy, long length, positioning himself at my entrance, "Please..."

He grinned as he scooted me closer to the edge of the counter, slowly filling me up halfway before slamming the rest of him inside of me.

Oh, fuck, this feels good...

"Oh!" I moaned loudly as he picked up his speed, grabbing the back of my neck to keep me looking at him. He roughly thrust in and out of me, hitting my g-spot each time he entered.

"Get down," he demanded as he lifted me off of the counter and spun me around, bending my top half over the top of it. He kicked my legs apart so that I was open for him and shoved himself back inside of me.

The way he was going so deep was causing my eyes to slightly roll back as I gripped the edges of the counter for stabilization. I moaned loudly with him as he swatted my ass savagely, before massaging it and doing it again. I moaned at how good it felt and how he was handling me. It's almost as if it were too good to be true.

I felt him pull on my hair tie, letting my blonde hair cascade around my body as he fisted it all in his hand, thrusting in and out of me. I whined in pleasure as his grip became harsher and another orgasm began blowing through me quickly.

My legs shook violently and instantly became jello so that I couldn't hold myself up anymore.

He wrapped his free hand around my torso, holding me to his body so that I wouldn't slip.

"I'm gonna come again!" I nearly screamed as another climax took toll of my body and his uneven breathy sounds filled my ear as he moaned with me, "Come with me, Samantha. Oh, fuck."

And then we finished together, content, sweaty, relaxed, and comfortable.

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