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   "Go away," I said quietly so I wouldn't hurt my throat anymore

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"Go away," I said quietly so I wouldn't hurt my throat anymore.

I didn't even lift my head, it takes too much energy away for when I actually need it.

"What happened to the spirit, huh? Just yesterday you were screaming at me," I heard the guard's voice smirk and I rolled my eyes, letting the sweat drip off of my nose like it's been doing forever now. I heard him groan dramatically and I cringed at the sound of his voice once he began speaking again. Why won't he just take a freaking hint already?

"Loverboy is with Anna right now... How does that make you feel?" He bragged and I smirked once I rose my head up and looked at him, "How does that make you feel? Considering your head is s-so far up her ass you can reach her f-fuckin' esophagus..."

His smirk fell from his face and he raked his hand through his black hair, trying to calm himself down. He crouched down and looked me in the face so close that I could count each green speck in his blue irises, "I get it. Take your anger and jealousy out on me so that it makes you feel big and strong? Like you're not chained to a wall sitting on a disgusting old mattress in her basement?"

His German accent was so thick sometimes it was hard to understand what he was saying, but I've adapted since he curses at me almost every minute of every day.

"My anger and jealousy? The on-only reason I'm here is because," I took a big breath to conserve my energy, "Is because y-your owner is un-unbelievably jealous that I have her h-high school sweetheart."

He rolled his eyes and smiled, "That's fair. But while you're being held captive, she's probably got him wrapped around her little finger like she used to."

I giggled and coughed violently, spitting up little particles of blood from my throat being so raw. I breathed in deeply and looked into his eyes again, "If you knew M-Matteo... you would eat your own words."

He cocked an eyebrow and sat on the floor, getting comfortable as he watched me struggle to even get a sentence out. I haven't eaten properly in only God knows how long. Every time Anna visits, she makes him beat me. I have a bucket that I have to crap and pee in. Sometimes vomit too. When I have to use the bathroom, I have to yell for a guard to help me because I can never be released from the shackles holding me hostage.

"Hmm, well, let me tell you a little secret," he smirked and I cocked an eyebrow as he stood to his feet and hunkered down to my level, getting in real close. My eye caught the earring he was wearing and my heart started palpitating as I realized maybe I could use it to unlock myself from the chains.

He put his lips next to my ear and whispered, "I know Matteo and he doesn't give a fuck about you." Then he kissed the skin underneath my ear and it sent shivers of disgust down my spine. So I quickly wrapped my mouth around his ear lobe and bit it.

Actually, I bit it off.

He screamed in pain and anger as I bit the earring out of the skin flap and spit the skin flap on the floor, blood dripping everywhere from his wound. Just before he could hit me in retaliation, alarms started going off in the house; indicating that there were intruders.

"Fuck!" He screamed as he glared at me, holding his ear and I avoided his eye contact. He stormed out of the room and I released the breath I was holding in.

I put the earring in between my teeth and stood up, regardless of my legs wobbling due to not being used in a while. I angled my hand downwards so I could catch the earring whilst I blew it up into my grasp.

And it worked!

"Yes!" I whispered to myself and painfully angled my wrist so that I could unlock my right wrist. After a few tries, it fell out of the lock and I sighed as I watched it move across the mattress. I sat back down in a crouching position and reached my foot out, grabbing the earring between my toes. I bent down to the best of my ability and grabbed it with my teeth, doing the same thing all over again until it finally unlocked.

I heard a lot of screaming and gunshots outside of the basement and I tried to hurry to unlock my other wrist. I brought my wrists in front of my eyes and realized how raw they were. They burned but they felt instant relief from being released from the cuffs. I stood up and walked over to the wall that was out of sight from the door. I grabbed the metal chair and held it to me, shocked that I actually had the strength to do so.

Maybe it was the adrenaline.

I heard the gunshots and the screaming draw closer and closer as the seconds went by and soon I heard the door open. I held my breath until I heard the guard's voice whimper, "I swear she was right there! Please don't-"

Then I swung. I ran out from behind the wall and hit him with the chair, knocking him to the floor immediately. My head turned to look at the people he was speaking with and I realized quickly that it was Gino and Stefan.

"Oh my God!" I choked out and their eyes widened.

"You're here?!" I sobbed and Stefan grinned as he ran over to me and hugged me, picking me up and holding me close, "I'm here, Sammie. Let's go. Keep your head down and don't move from my arms no matter what you hear, okay?"


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