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   "Oh," I said

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"Oh," I said.

Does it make me a bad person that I don't feel anything about it? I don't have any feelings at all about the fact that the mother that was never there died whilst trying to kill me for information... does that make me bad?

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded, "Weirdly... yeah." The corner of his lip tugged up slightly in his signature lopsided smirk, "It's not weird. It's okay if you're okay." I nodded as he walked over to the side of the bed that I was sitting on and he nudged my shoulder playfully with his, "Or is it just because you're intoxicated?" I snorted at his playfulness, "I might be high but I still have good judgment."

"How good?" He asked and I turned my head to look at him. It might seem cliche at the fact that I was getting lost in his beautiful eyes and the fact that the way he looks at me sends shivers down my spine, but I don't care. I watched as his eyes flicked down to my lips before he looked back up at me and I had to physically restrain myself not to kiss him right now, "Pretty good."

I stood up and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me as I rested against the wall, breathing heavily from the sexual tension between us. How much longer of resisting can I actually take considering he's my roommate and I share a bed with him?

After calming myself down and ensuring that the heat rushing between my thighs was calm, I walked back in the room just as he had slipped his sweatpants on and his socks off. My eyes traced the intricate tattoos on his back, that must've hurt but it was so worth it. He is so beautiful.

He turned back around and looked at me before he got in his side of the bed. I walked over to mine and checked my phone, only to see Milo's picture as my lock screen. I miss my baby...

I shook my mind from any sad thoughts and made sure his back was facing me before I took my shorts off and slid in the bed. The bed was so big that there was an immense amount of room between us so he would never know my pants were off. I turned my lamp off so now the room was black and the only sound that filled the room was the sound of the fan turning on the ceiling.

I stared up at the blank ceiling, trying to calm myself to sleep but the fact that a handsome man is sleeping beside me and I'm seriously into him when I shouldn't be is gnawing at my brain, I can't help but be wide awake. I brought my hands to my face as I rubbed my temples with my fingers, trying to get my stress headache to go away but no such luck.

Then I began to remember the cabin back in Tennessee, the way he watched me as I showered in front of him. The way he grabbed my hips to move by me in the shower. The way his jaw ticked in a sexual tension as he handed me my bra in the bedroom. The way he scans my body intimately with his eyes. The thought of that was almost so strong I'd want to touch myself since I refuse to be with anyone, but not here. I sighed quietly, why does this happen to me?

But then Matteo flipped over and scooted closer to me so that he could see me, "Are you okay? I can practically hear the wheels in your brain turning from across the bed."

My breath hitched, does he know I'm basically fantasizing about him?

I smiled slightly, nervously at him, and shook my head, "It's just... hot in here. Go to sleep, I'm fine." He eyed me curiously before shrugging and turning back over. I blew out a breath before turning over on my side, my back facing him and then he spoke aloud, "Sam, I don't think your horniness can get any louder or else it might shatter the windows."

My eyes widened and I felt like my breathing stopped, "I-I don't know what you're talking about. Go to sleep, Matteo." He chuckled and flipped back over, slightly hovering over me as he studied my face, "How am I supposed to sleep with all of your huffing and puffing?"

I shrugged, "Maybe close your eyes?"

He smirked as his hand flipped me over onto my back and my lips slightly parted, what is he doing? He trailed his free hand slightly down my leg and looked at me with amusement roaming in his eyes, "Pantsless too? Hmm."

My eyebrows furrowed, hmm? What is 'hmm'?

The way he was barely touching me cast goosebumps and he moved the covers off of me so he could see me, "Matteo! It's time to sleep!"

"Is it?" He asked without touching me and I just stared back at him, speechless before he continued, "Do you want me to touch you, Sam? If not I'll go to sleep, just say the words." I opened my mouth to object but truth is, I do want him to touch me. I need him to touch me.

"Use words, sweetheart," he whispered as he bent down and barely kissed my wrist. I inhaled sharply, "I-I want you to... touch me, please..." He smirked and nodded as he bent down and kissed the crook of my neck. My eyes closed immediately as I blew out a breath of pleasure. How is he only kissing my neck and I'm ready to bow out from hormones? This is pathetic on my part.

He pulled away after slowly kissing around my collarbone. I looked up at him and his eyes flicked down to my lips. Without thinking, I slid my arms up his bare and warm chest, wrapping them around his neck and bringing his lips to mine. His lips were so soft and warm, it was the best kiss I've ever received.

He began slowly kissing down my neck as my nails roamed his back and he breathed heavily as his hands slightly lifted up my shirt. His hands on my waist felt so right and I moaned quietly. His fingers teased the skin of my belly whilst his lips teased my jawline and neck. My hands found his hair and I tugged softly as he nibbled on my soft spot, causing him to moan lowly. The sound sent shockwaves of heat to my sex and I screwed my eyes shut.

Are we really going to do this? I want to... I know I do. I've never done this before though so what if that scares him off? But he needs to know so I did the worst possible thing and blurted it out, "I'm a virgin!"

As expected, his lips popped off of my neck and he raised slightly to look at me, "What?"

I screwed my eyes shut in embarrassment, "I'm a virgin." I peeked open one eye to see what his expression was and he laughed at the fact I was slyly peeking, "Sam, I'm not interested in your body count. If you want to do this we will but I will not force anything. The only thing this changes for me is how we pace this out."

He still wants to be with me?

"Obviously," he said and my eyes widened, "Did I say that out loud?" He chuckled and nodded, "Yes." I giggled nervously before he bent down and kissed me gently. I wrapped my arms around him again and he flipped us over so that I was on top. I felt his erection on my butt and my eyes widened, "Jesus Christ, Matteo how am I supposed to-"

His smirk made me lose my train of thought, "How are you supposed to... what? Just trust me, okay? This won't work if you don't trust me, mamas." Mamas... I like that. I nodded, I trust him with everything inside of me, actually. I don't know how that happened but it did. He looked at me as he lightly tugged on the hem of my shirt and I threw it off of me, the only clothing on me now were my white lace panties.

"Fuck," he breathed out as his hands trailed from my hips to my breasts. I moaned as he pinched my nipples slightly, but before he could do anything else, the bedroom door opened and Matteo hugged me to his body, flipping us over so that he was covering me.

"Wake your asses up, we have chocolate milk- Oh, holy shit cakes!" Gino squeaked out.

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