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Vote and enjoy✈
Anna Genzlinger

Vote and enjoy✈Anna Genzlinger

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    "What are you doing?" Matteo asked as he flopped on my bed, propping his head up with his hands

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"What are you doing?" Matteo asked as he flopped on my bed, propping his head up with his hands.

I continued painting the charcoal mask on my face, "I have blackheads and they gotta go. They do not pay rent to reside in my pores, therefore they are getting evicted. Willow!"

Willow skipped inside my room with her hair pushed back by the headband she found, "Paint me like one of your French girls, Sammie Castillo." Matteo snorted and rolled his eyes as he turned Netflix on and began watching Grey's Anatomy. I gasped and threw one of my hair ties at him, "No, sir! You aren't supposed to watch that without me!"

He laughed and ran out of the room as I began painting the face mask on Willow's face and she giggled.

"You two are oddly good together, you know? Like, he was so broody when you guys met and you are so bright and uplifting. You balance each other out and you've really allowed Matteo to come out of his shell. He... mingles now," she said with a laugh and I grinned, "A smile looks nice on him, doesn't it?"

She nodded, "That man has smiled more since he's met you than I've ever seen him smile. It's truly an art. You're very talented, ms," she said and I 'booped' her nose with the face mask before finishing, "All done!"

"Thank ya, ma'am. So I forgot to tell you, and I know this is super late and late notice and all, but remember that party at the park everyone went to a couple of weeks ago? You know, the night you got deflowered?" She whispered and I laughed whilst nodding, "Yes, now what is it?"

"Well, the host of the party, Mason, he invited us to this bonfire party at the beach and it's tonight. I didn't remember it until this morning when his girlfriend posted something about it on Instagram. Will you come with me?" She asked and I nodded with a shrug, "Seems like fun. Is everyone else coming?"

"Yay! And yes but you'll have to convince Matteo," she said with pursed lips and I laughed, "That'll be easy."

"What will be easy?" Matteo asked as he walked back in with a bottle of water and Willow jumped up from the bed, "And that's my cue to leave! Seven-thirty, Sammie."

I nodded as she left and Matteo looked at me, expecting an answer, "We're going to a bonfire thing tonight at the beach and you're coming with." He nodded as he pressed play on the episode, "Cool."

The sun is setting and it's very warm outside; the waves are crashing beautifully. Hundreds of people are at this party, surrounding the bonfire, drinking, dancing to loud music, swimming, etc. the boys were all wearing their swimming trunks and no shirts. I was surprised when Matteo agreed to actually wear a bathing suit.

Willow was wearing her favorite olive green bikini with a sheer white cover-up over top. I was wearing my favorite black bikini with my blue jean shorts and a flannel on top. The flannel was unbuttoned so my bikini top was showing and it took forever for Matteo to be okay with it. And not because he doesn't want me wearing it, but because he wants to kiss on my boobs all night in the bedroom.

"I'm going with Stef and them for a bit. You'll be okay with Willow?" He asked and I nodded as he kissed my cheek and jogged off to the alcohol with the boys. Willow walked us over to the fire and before she said something, she was interrupted.

"Oh my gosh! Hi Willow! It's so nice to see you!" A beautiful woman said as she jogged over to us. Her hair was a beautiful brown, she was tall, nearly six foot. Her complexion was pale but she rocked it in the best way. Her eyes were a bright hazel and her lips were full. She was dressed in a cherry red bikini that revealed a lot of skin but she made it look fantastic. I envied the way she looked and when she looked at me, she smiled softly.

"Anna, this is my best friend, Sammie. Sammie, this is Mason's girlfriend I was telling you about-"

"Actually, we broke it off the day after the party," she said and Willow's eyes widened, "Oh, I had no idea. I'm so sorry!"

Anna chuckled, "It's fine. I'm... still not over my ex and he knew that so we mutually ended it and we're still friends. He didn't come tonight but he sends his love to you guys! Oh, and it's nice to meet you, Sammie! You're seriously so gorgeous."

I felt my face heat up and I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, slightly intimidated by this model-like woman telling me I was gorgeous, "You're beautiful yourself, Anna. Nice party!"

"Thanks! Well, help yourselves to the beer and I hope you guys have a good time! I'll find you both later," she winked before walking off and Willow frowned, "Mason and she were actually cute together. I'm sad now."

I chuckled as we walked over to the water, the waves pushing water over our feet, "Can't fight love. Even though you tried!"

"I thought you would hate me, in my defense! A lot of girls are super weird about their friends dating their brother," she laughed and I shrugged, "As long as my friend and my brother are happy together, it's none of my business. Plus, it's not like we're in high school."

She nodded in agreement as I took my flannel and shorts off whilst she took her cover-up off. I felt eyes on me so I turned and noticed Matteo was watching me. I winked at him before Willow and I began walking into the water.

"It's so cold," I shivered and she nodded as she laughed, "Right back out we go. It's getting dark anyway and I don't feel like getting eaten by a shark or some unknown creature in there."

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