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Willow and Stefan

Willow and Stefan

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Gino and Benny

Sammie and Matteo

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Sammie and Matteo

Sammie and Matteo

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     "Sammie," Willow whisper-yelled to me as I was on my way to shower and I turned around to face her, "What's up?"

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"Sammie," Willow whisper-yelled to me as I was on my way to shower and I turned around to face her, "What's up?"

"He asked me to be his girlfriend and I laughed nervously because I didn't know how to say yes! Like, I was scared to be neutral about it because maybe he would think I didn't know if I really wanted to and I was also too scared to be too over the top with it because I might scare him off. But I nervous laughed and now he thinks that I actually laughed at his question as if it was the grossest idea ever! I'm so embarrassed!" She said as she covered her face with her hands and I giggled as I sat my clothes down and grabbed her arm, taking her to Stefan.

"Stef," I said as I watched him do his nervous-pacing and he looked at us with a grim expression on his face.

"She wants to be your girlfriend but didn't know how to tell you. Don't be mad at her, she was nervous. I'll hit you if you're mad at her," I warned and he laughed as she looked at him nervously, "I'm not mad at you and I'm not just saying that because I don't want to be hit by Sammie." I smiled at the two and walked over to grab my clothes, walking into the bathroom.

Once I opened the door, my jaw nearly hit the floor. Benny was taking Gino's shirt off as they made out hardcore against the wall, groping each other and moaning.

I shrieked and slammed the door shut as I heard them cursing with each other, probably just as shocked as I am.

Benny and Gino?! Gino and Benny?! How did this happen? How did I not see this? Matteo walked out of the bedroom, shirtless, with a couple of papers. He had messy hair as if whatever he was working on was stressful. He looked up at me and he took note of my weird expression. Just as he was about to walk over to me, the bathroom door opened and Gino looked at me, not even realizing his brother was right there.

"Please don't tell anyone! I don't want Matteo to know because I don't know if he'll... you know. Accept me!" He pleaded with tears in his eyes and my expression softened at his expense. Does he think Matteo won't accept the fact that he likes Benny? That he likes men?

"Don't tell me what?" Matteo asked and Gino looked over at his brother just as Benny walked out of the bathroom, buttoning his shirt up. My mouth fell slack as Matteo registered everything, but didn't make a face at all.

"You don't want to tell me that you're gay and you like Benjamin? Why? You think I'll judge you? Hate you? Think it's gross?" Matteo asked, slightly hurt and my heart clenched as Gino's face held regret, "N-No, I just..."

"Gino, you're my brother and who you fuck isn't my business. I didn't judge you when you used to sneak that Eduardo kid into mom's house. I'm happy for you but don't keep secrets from me just because you think I'll react wrong," Matteo said and Gino sighed in relief as he hugged Matteo, "Thanks, man."

Benny looked at me nervously, "I'm glad that went well."

"I heard their chili was really good," Willow said and Benny nodded, "It is. I came here yesterday."

We were all currently at a bar diner thing. Benjamin said that a band will be playing here tonight and he thought it might be fun. So we're all dressed up.

"I can't believe I let them talk me into dressing like this," Matteo grumbled to himself from behind me and I looked up at him after turning around, "Like what? I think you look handsome." Matteo sighed, "I look like a douchebag. I am dressed like every teenage boy in high school who drinks White Claw as a personality trait. This? This is not handsome. But thank you anyway."

I giggled softly as he handed me a glass of white wine, "That was oddly specific. Honestly though, all you wear is suits and if you don't wear a suit then you're wearing black shirts and black sweatpants. It's nice to change things up a little." He rolled his eyes playfully as we sat down at a large booth. Groupies who came to see the band were crowding around the empty stage with their phones in hand.

Willow laughed at something Gino said and threw a french fry at him just as the band began walking onstage and the groupies mentioned earlier began screaming as they introduced themselves. I couldn't even hear what their band was called over the fangirls shrieking in excitement, but I don't blame them if they are as good as Benny said they were.

Matteo's phone began ringing and he sighed as he looked at the name flashing across the screen, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I have to take this. We have this new guy in distribution and he's-"

"Take the call," I laughed as he tried to explain the details and he sighed his thank you, kissing my cheek as he stepped away from the booth to answer over the loud noise of guitars and drums. Willow smiled at me since all the boys were preoccupied, "Wanna go act like a groupie? Without the flirting and sex since we're taken women?"

I laughed and nodded, "Duh. I'm not showing my tits like those other girls either." Willow laughed as she grabbed our drinks, "Ooh, white wine! Is it good?" I nodded, "Try it."

She sipped as we walked upfront and she nodded, "I've never really liked white wine but I always drink it anyways. But that one is actually really good." I nodded as we made it to the crowd and the frontman looked at Willow and me, winking as he sang about pretty girls. I laughed as Willow raised her arms and began dancing with me.

After dancing for a while, I felt hands on my hips and I cocked my head up to see Matteo grinning down at me, "Oops, my hands slipped." I giggled as his arms wrapped around my torso from behind and we swayed to the slow music. The frontman grinned at us and soon everyone was dancing slowly to the music. I felt Matteo's lips meet right behind my ear and I shivered in ecstasy as the intimate swaying became slower.

"Take me home," I whispered as I looked up at him through my lashes and his eyes flickered down to my lips before he looked back at my eyes, "Alright."

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