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     I lifted up for a second and to my horror I realized him and I both had blood on him, as well as the bed

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I lifted up for a second and to my horror I realized him and I both had blood on him, as well as the bed. I hid my face in my hands as he looked directly at the bloodied spots and he grabbed my forearms, pulling them away from my face, "Sam, look at me."

I looked at him sheepishly and he brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear, "It's normal, please don't be embarrassed. Come with me."

I nodded as he grabbed my hand and I walked with him into our bathroom where he started the bathtub with warm water, pouring eucalyptus-scented bubbles in the bath whilst it quickly filled up. I watched his naked body descend to his bedroom where he clicked a button on the wall and spoke quietly.

Once he came back he turned the water off and we both stepped in, him behind me.

"This is nice," I said as I turned around and gave Matteo a bubble nose. He feigned shock and picked up a handful of bubbles, giving me a bubble beard, "You're still beautiful, even with a beard."

I laughed as I picked up two handfuls of bubbles and placed them on his head, "And you still look handsome with a ridiculous hat."

He chuckled as I turned my back towards him and he hugged me from behind, "Are you feeling okay?" I giggled at his concern and nodded as I relaxed into his arms, "I'm perfect."


"Wake up! Gino is making white macadamia nut cookies and Stef and Matteo said they're your fave!" Willow said as she came barreling into my room where I was sitting up, watching Netflix. She flopped onto the bed and I groaned as she flopped directly on my ankles.

"Oops," she said and moved off of me where she laid sprawled out on my new bed dressings that Matteo had the maid change whilst we bathed last night.

"They're only my favorite if they're soft. Are they soft?" I asked and she grinned, "Soft cookies are the only kind I'll eat. They're also warm!"

I smiled and peeled back the comforter, standing up in my regular shorts and a t-shirt. My legs wobbled and there was a dull and aching soreness in between my legs. Willow gasped as I walked awkwardly and she grabbed my arm, "Did you guys have sex last night?"

"Yes," I said as my face heated up and she squealed in excitement, "That explains why Matteo is actually mingling with everyone!"

Matteo is having fun with everyone? That's a first. Now I'm intrigued.

We walked downstairs- actually, it's more like Willow helped me downstairs and I flopped on the couch whilst Benny, Stefan, and Matteo were playing twister. I laughed as various amounts of their body parts entwined awkwardly and painfully as they all cursed at each other whilst laughing.

"No! That's right by my head!" Matteo said loudly as Benny put his foot beside his head and Stefan laughed as he spun the wheel, "It's okay, my freaking leg has to go by Benny's crotch."

"I swear to God if you kick me in the balls, Stef, I'm taking our years of friendship and throwing it in the garbage- OW!"

Matteo snorted so loud that he fell and the boys tumbled down with him.

"I was so close to winning, why did you do that?!" Stefan whined and Benny glared at Stefan, "You kicked me in the nuts, fucking cheater! I'm eating the cookies Gino is saving for you!"

Willow and I laughed really hard as Stefan tackled Benny to the ground, "You eat my cookies and I'll end you, Benjamin Bailey Taylor!" They began slapping each other like grade-schoolers until Gino came in with a plate of cookies, "Boys! If you want cookies then act like adults!"

"He kicked my peen!" Benny shouted and Stefan slapped the back of his head, "You threatened to steal my cookies!"

"I'm going to eat everybody's fucking cookies, Jesus," Matteo said as he stood up, laughing and I frowned, "I'll literally kill you. No."

Willow snorted and thanked Gino for the cookies as we all passed the plate around to eat them. I bit into the warm cookie and it was probably the best white macadamia nut I've ever tasted. I didn't know Gino could cook this good!

"Dude," I said after I swallowed, "This is the best. Seriously." Willow nodded, "Gino is amazing."

Gino bowed dramatically before throwing a cookie at Benny's head, "Stop trying to steal Stef's cookie!" Benny gasped dramatically, "And so you break a perfectly good cookie on my head?! Why?! I thought you were on my side!"

"Just because I fuck you doesn't mean I'm on your side," Gino snorted and Stefan nodded as he pinched the skin under Benny's arm. Benny yelped and stood up, "That's it! Nobody in this house loves me!"

"I love you, Benny!" Willow and I shouted in unison, causing Matteo to pout. I blew him a kiss and he rolled his eyes playfully but pretended to grab the kiss midair nonetheless. "You only love me for my beef stew," Benny pouted and I shrugged, "I can't argue with that."

"Fair enough," he sighed as he jumped on my lap and I groaned from the weight of him crushing me whilst the ache in between my thighs from my activities last night worsened. Willow realized immediately, "Get off!" She pushed him and he rolled off onto the floor with an 'oof', "What was that for?!"

I stayed quiet, pretending to be interested in the movie playing on the TV before a look of shock graced his face, "Oh! You lost your hymen last night!"

My eyes widened as Matteo grabbed a pillow and threw it rather hard at Benny, causing him to hit his head on the floor, "Shut the fuck up, Taylor." Stefan looked back and forth between Matteo and Benjamin before realization flashed in his eyes and he groaned, burying his face in his hands, "Man, gross! I didn't wanna know!"

"You told me to let him in!" I said with embarrassed giggled and he laughed really hard, "I meant figuratively, not literally, Sammie, geez!" Matteo pursed his lips as he stood up and sat on the couch beside me, "I'd appreciate the subject to be dropped. What we do in the bedroom is nobody's business."

"Fine, fine, fine," Benny said with his hands up in surrender, and Gino smirked, "Good boy."

Benny looked at his boyfriend with his jaw dropped and Willow squealed in laughter, "Now we know who's the bottom!"

Gino laughed as Benny chased him out of the room and the rest of us began watching the movie with our cookies.

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