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Sammie's Outfit

Vote and enjoy✈️Sammie's Outfit

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   "Leave your hair down," Stefan said once he walked in my room and seen me struggling with how to style my hair

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"Leave your hair down," Stefan said once he walked in my room and seen me struggling with how to style my hair. I took my hair out of the bun and let the long, wavy-curly blonde hair flow down my back.

I sighed in relief as he walked over to me and he looked at what I was wearing, "I've never seen this dress before, is it new?" I nodded my head as I slipped on a very thin and small diamond necklace, "Willow bought it for me. She insisted that I feel good tonight."

"You look beautiful, Sammie," he smiled as he handed me a small black purse with gold accents that matched my heels, "Enjoy yourself tonight, fear no consequences. Text me if you need me."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his torso, leaning my head against the crook of his neck. He hugged me back tightly, rubbing my back softly in reassurance, "He's downstairs."

I pulled away from my brother and nodded as I took one last glance at myself in the mirror. My lips had a soft gloss and Willow had painted my eyes to a beautiful soft-tone smokey eye. I felt beautiful and I hope Ezra thinks so too...

He told me to dress formally, that where we were going required a certain dress-code, and now I'm beginning to overthink that I was either dressed too much or dressed too little.

"I've gotta go back to the bedroom, Willow should be getting her interview results from the model agency within the next few minutes. But seriously, have fun. Love you," he rushed as he kissed my cheek and jogged towards his girlfriend.

I walked out of the room and downstairs where Ezra was laughing at something Benny and Gino were talking about. Ezra was wearing a black button-down dress shirt and black slacks along with his dress shoes. He looked attractive. None of them were paying attention to me until I was halfway down the stairs. Ezra's caramel brown eyes locked onto mine and they scanned my body slowly.

It was like a cliché as his lips parted slightly and his posture was completely stunned. His eyes met mine and regained composure as he grinned, "You look... absolutely stunning, Samantha."

I used to hate the name Samantha because that's what dad called me every time we spoke. But the way it falls from Ezra's lips in a formal, yet enticing matter intrigues me.

I blushed as he grabbed my hand and helped me down the stairs as Benny nodded in agreement, "You look hot. Have fun, Sammie."

"I have all of your contact information, Ezra. I know all of the hottest places in town. I will know if you hurt her and I swear to God if you do I will-"

"Gino, honey, chill," Benny whispered and Gino breathed in deeply and he smiled at me, "Let loose, Sammie. You deserve it."

I giggled at his composure and nodded as I said my buds and we left towards the restaurant. His car was beautiful. Very expensive, very sleek, very black, very perfect. His hand was resting just above my knee whilst the other one was lazily holding onto the steering wheel.

Why is that so attractive to me?

"Samantha, why are you staring at me?" He asked deeply and I blushed as I tore my eyes off of him and he gently squeezed the skin of my thigh, "I didn't ask you to stop."

If I could blush any harder, I would. Instead, I bit my lip and focused on our surrounding areas as we passed by at the normal speed limit. It was dark out, the city lights were shining beautifully all around us as we passed it by. Soon, we made it to a large restaurant with all glass windows.

The place looked extravagant and expensive. Everyone in there was wearing either a suit or a dress. Everyone was drinking wine or scotch. Everyone was smiling or on a business date.

"This friend that we're dining with," I stated as he opened my car door for me and handed his keys to the valet parking, "Who is it?"

"An old friend from grad school. Please do not be intimidated, he can be... a bit much at times," he said with a serious face as he placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me inside of the restaurant, "The only reason why I invited you on this date with him is because he will not be here for longer than ten minutes. Then we can enjoy our evening."

He walked up to the stand where a woman dressed in a red dress resided, "Fortgang."

She smiled and led us to the table we were supposed to be sitting at. He grabbed my hand gently and slid in the booth near the wall, me beside him.

"Is he... arrogant or something? You seem to be quite hostile at the mere mention of this friend," I said quietly and a waiter appeared at the table, "Hello, my name is Richard and I will be your waiter for the evening. Is there anything you would like before your plus one arrives? Champagne? Appetizers?"

Ezra looked at me, "Do you like red wine, white wine? Anything really?"

"White wine," I said and he nodded at the waiter, "Leave the bottle when you arrive, Richard. Thank you."

He sucked in a sharp breath as he skimmed through the menu quickly, "He is a very arrogant man, and once a year he meets up with me to ask for money. He'll beat around the bush for a bit before asking for money because he has a new business idea that he wants me to invest in. I did a few times before I realized he was blowing it on women and cars. He'll throw a quiet tantrum before he leaves until next year. Then we can enjoy our evening. By the way, you really do look fantastic in that dress."

He grinned cheekily and I giggled quietly, "Thank you."

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