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    "Soo, how did it go?!" Willow asked impatiently, nearly jumping up and down on my bed as I sat up, crossing my legs into a criss-cross state

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"Soo, how did it go?!" Willow asked impatiently, nearly jumping up and down on my bed as I sat up, crossing my legs into a criss-cross state. I sighed, covering my face with my hands before I flopped backward back onto the bed. I whined loudly and she huffed, jumping on top of me, "I will beat it out of you!"

We've been lounging around all day, talking about the model agency that Willow is going to be working with as of today! She got the call this morning and it's currently seven in the afternoon. She made us change into the same outfits so we could post pictures on Instagram about it. We were wearing pink pajama shorts and grey tank tops that were so long that they went past the shorts. It's super comfortable though so I'm not complaining.

I laughed as she restrained my arms beside my head and I looked up at her, "I'm conflicted."

"Abouttt?" She said with a smile, getting excited over the fact that I'm about to spill the beans on my date with Ezra last night.

"I love Matteo. But the date with Ezra was so perfect and there's so much potential. But I also feel like I'm... betraying Matteo-"

The door burst open and Benny walked in with Gino right behind him. Benny's lips fell open, "I have so many questions about why Willow is on top of you right now, but that's not important. Sammie, hurry up and come downstairs. You need to see this."

Willow and I exchanged looks before she hopped off of me and pulled me up. We ran quickly downstairs to see whatever Benjamin and Gino were on about without asking questions, it was obvious we shouldn't waste time. We got downstairs where the news was on, showing a picture of Matteo on the screen. Gino grabbed the remote and turned the volume up so that everyone could hear it clearly.

My eyebrows furrowed at the screen as I listened to the same reporter that announced the allegations last time speak upon Matteo once again.

"A couple of months ago, Matteo Salvatore, CEO of Salvatore Enterprise, was looking at very serious allegations of domestic violence, shooting his former girlfriend, and being involved in the disappearance of Alfonzo Castillo."

"Since the allegations were formed, a warrant was made but was never followed through because not even twenty-four hours later, all charges of the domestic violence filed by Anna Genzlinger and Diamond Jackson were dropped!" The news lady said, shocked and my eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" I whispered as the news reporter continued her assignment of Matteo.

"Within the same exact twenty-four hours of the charges against Salvatore being dropped, Alfonzo Castillo was later found dead in his secret apartment of a stroke. The gunshot wound to Salvatore's former partner, Samantha Castillo, was allegedly created by her father, Alfonzo. Crazy! It was a supposed accident which is why she never filed charges or had the police involved."

"What the actual fuck," I heard Stefan's voice come from behind me as tears welled up in my eyes, continuing to listen to the reporter.

"Matteo Salvatore has since been spotted and photographed by numerous people and he... well he seems to be having the time of his life. Let's have a look," she said with pursed lips. A series of three pictures popped up on the screen, making my stomach churn in disgust and betrayal.

He was kissing a woman, both half-naked, outside of a house. The woman's face was not in the picture, but his face was. The second picture showed him laughing around a group of men as women danced amongst them at what looked like a club or a strip-joint. The third picture showed women doing body shots off of his abdomen.

So that's what he meant when he told me not to dwell on him. To find someone else to love me. Because he can't. He wanted me to move on so he wouldn't have to feel guilty about screwing other women only God knows where.

He wanted a guilt-free conscious. Screw that. Screw him.

Matteo Salvatore is a piece of shit and I deserve so much better. If that wasn't evident enough before, it is now. I am done. I am moving on and I am going to be happy. I owe it to myself.

"Turn it off," I whispered as a hot tear fell from my eye. Benny looked at me, confused, "What?"

"Turn it off!" I yelled, hot tears parading down my face, "Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off! Please! Turn it off!"

"Turn the goddamned TV off, Benjamin!" Stefan yelled as he grabbed a hold of me, hugging me tightly, "Hey, hey, it's okay, Sammie. Shh, calm down. Listen to my voice, calm down."

I felt arms hug me from behind as I cried hard into Stefan's chest. Willow was hugging me and then Benny was hugging us, and then Gino was hugging us. I cried for what seemed like forever before I began pulling away and all of my friends let me go. I wiped my tears and Willow rubbed my back softly, "Wanna watch a movie?"

I nodded as I sniffed and walked around to sit on the couch. I sighed, pulling my hair into a bun to get it out of my face. Willow flopped down beside me and turned the TV back on, changing it so quickly that it almost gave me whiplash. I smiled softly at the sentiment before she pulled up a list of movies.

"I can rent anything. Whatcha want?" She asked as Benny, Stef, and Gino took their seats to start watching the movie with us.

"Ooh! What about-"

"Shut the hell up, it's Sammie's turn," Gino interrupted Benny as he threw a decorative pillow at his boyfriend. Benny mocked him under his breath and I laughed as I shrugged, "Dragonheart? The one with Dennis Quaid?"

"Hell yeah!" Benny and Stef pumped their fist and we laughed as Gino stood up, "I'm going to bring back snacks. Don't play it yet."

After about fifteen minutes of hearing Gino fiddling around in the kitchen, a knock on the door sounded. Before anyone could get up we heard Gino shout, "I've got it!"

"He's taking foreverrr and that popcorn smells so good," Willow groaned and I nodded in agreement as Gino entered the living room with all kinds of drink s and snacks. Then, walking in behind him, casually, was Ezra?


My eyes widened as I realized how awful I actually look. I have no makeup on, my hair is a mess in a bun on the top of my head, I'm wearing mismatched pajamas and my face is tear-streaked and puffy from crying.

"What is he doing here?" I whisper yelled to Gino and he laughed as he handed everyone their bowls of popcorn and drinks, "I told you I was bringing back snacks."

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