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  "I'm so sleepy," I groaned as I flopped on the bed

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  "I'm so sleepy," I groaned as I flopped on the bed.

I've only gotten a total of four hours of sleep.

Matteo and I are celebrating our honeymoon in Paris. I love it here. So does he. After the ceremony and after party, we took off to here. We put our phones on do not disturb to make sure we had a peaceful, non-interrupted honey moon.

Spending time with him and only him makes me happy.

"That's what happens when you force the both of us to stay up watching gruesome cartoons all night," Matteo smirked playfully and I nudged him with my elbow once he laid down next to me.

"Happy Tree Friends deserves a better title than a gruesome cartoon. It's a masterpiece, never disrespect that again," I huffed.

He began saying something, but the nausea that hit me out of nowhere caused me to lose focus. I jumped up from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I dropped to my knees and emptied my guts into the porcelain white toilet bowl.

I continued doing so whilst Matteo ran towards me to hold my hair back. He grabbed the hair tie from his wrist that he keeps with him for this reason, and tied my hair into a low bun. My stray away hairs were tucked behind my ears shortly after as he rubbed my back in soothing circles.

I don't deserve him.

  "Matteo?" I coughed out as my fingernails dug into the skin of my thighs, throwing up once more. My throat burned from the bile coming up and I felt tears hit my cheeks. I hate throwing up, it's so painful.

"Yes, baby?"

"I hate you for getting me pregnant," I sobbed out as I dry-heaved into the toilet and sat back on my feet, resting my back against the glass shower door.

"C'mon, let's get your teeth brushed and I'll bathe you," he suggested softly and I nodded reluctantly as he helped me stand up.

I'm exhausted.
And even that is the understatement of the year.

All I can do these days are puke and sleep. I can't keep food down and the doctor informed me that I have to force myself or I'll be admitted to the hospital for a nutrient IV to keep me and baby healthy.

I brushed my teeth, flossed, and swished some painfully cold and spicy mouthwash before Matteo and I undressed.

He started the bath water, sprinkling some lemon scented essential oils into it and dumping nearly half the bottle of bubbles. He lit a couple of lemon zest candles as well.

"C'mere," he demanded as he helped me step into the warm water. I sat down and embraced the warmth, it helped the nausea.

He slipped in behind me, sitting me square between his legs as I leaned my head on his chest and he rubbed his hands down my arms before resting them on my bloated belly.

No, I'm not showing, yet. I'm just bloated from puking so much and having to drink so much water afterwards.

I admired my wedding band and ring whilst he massaged my tummy; and I smiled as it twinkled from the flame of the candle bouncing and reflecting off of it.

"It's so beautiful," I whispered, mostly to myself.

  "Fitting for the person who wears it, no?" Matteo said lowly and I smiled softly, relaxing into his arms.

"I'm sorry for being mean earlier."

Matteo chuckled, "I have a feeling it's only going to get worse. Save the apologies for when you're in labor, sweetheart."

I giggled and nodded, "Touché."

After a moment of silence, I started feeling nauseous again and my body tensed.

  "Focus on your breathing baby," he whispered in my ear before kissing the skin below it. I shivered from his touch and that alone made the dull ache in my belly go away.

He continued softly kissing around the same spot and I let out an involuntary moan, resulting in me feeling him twitch from behind me. I blushed crimson when he let out a deep breath in my ear.

He's trying so hard to control himself, not knowing what's okay.

"It makes me feel better, please..." I whimpered out, giving him consent to do what he wants with me.

His hand on my belly traveled their way down before finding my clit. His lone finger rubbed soft circles around it.

His free hand lifted up to my throat, keeping me in place as I squirmed in pleasure.

My hips rocked back and forth as my soft sighs and moans were the only thing to be heard, I can feel him growing harder behind me.

He kept his pace slow, letting me ride out my pleasure in soothing waves. I reached behind me and grabbed the back of his neck, whimpering as his finger continued to draw soft circles against my clit.

My chest rose and fell heavily, my back arched, and my face completely flushed.

"Come for me, darling," he spoke slowly into my ear and I nodded, obeying his command.

My orgasm washed throughout my entire body, leaving me shaking and a whimpering mess. His hand slowly retracted and I reached behind me, grabbing his dick and pumping it slowly.

He grabbed my hand off of him and shook his head, "This was all about making you feel better, amore."

I frowned slightly at the thought of him not getting off and he grabbed my chin, turning it sideways so he could see me. He planted a passionate kiss against my lips before retracting and smiling down at me, "Wipe that frown off of your face or no hot chocolate for you."

I scoffed in disbelief at the audacity that just left his lips, "You'd never."

"Wanna bet?" He cocked an eyebrow, a complete serious expression on his handsome face.

"That's no fair!" I whined and he clicked his tongue, "That statement is subjective, sweetheart. Now c'mon. Let's clean up and make you something to eat."

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