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   "Welcome to Le Royal Monceau!" Gino announced as we walked off of the elevator and into the suite

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"Welcome to Le Royal Monceau!" Gino announced as we walked off of the elevator and into the suite.

I smiled to myself as I checked out the surroundings, holding my bags in my arms. The living room was very spacious and beautiful. Glass doors led out to the same balcony, three bedrooms with their own bathroom. The bathrooms were mirrored all around with a large white tub and a spacious walk-in shower. The kitchen was gorgeous and fully equipped as well.

Maybe this getaway won't be so bad after all.

"I'm going to sleep," I said quietly to Benny and he nodded as he gave me a side-hug, "We'll figure something out, Sammie. But for now, just try to relax, it's not every day you can come to Paris!"

I nodded and kissed his cheek as I grabbed my bags and walked into the bedroom. I closed the door behind me since everyone was getting settled in the living room. I took my bags and quickly hung up all my clothes in the closet and put my products in the bathroom. I heard Willow turn on the television and Gino cooking in the kitchen so it was safe for me to shower without having to face Matteo.

I turned the small bedside lamp on since it was night time and grabbed my pajamas, heading into the shower. I quickly showered and shaved, blow-dried my hair, threw it up in a messy bun, and then changed into my pajamas. My outfit consisted of an oversized black t-shirt, Mickey Mouse pajama shorts that couldn't be seen because of the long shirt, and red fuzzy socks. I finally walked into the bedroom that was still empty and grabbed the blunt that I rolled in the bathroom on the flight here along with my lighter.

I walked outside from the bedroom onto the balcony and saw a chair on the balcony which I gladly sat in, crossing my legs as the cool breeze blew across my skin. I took in the moment before bringing the wrap up to my lips and lighting it, breathing it in before exhaling after a few moments. I did this a couple of more times until I began to feel relaxed which is exactly what I needed.

The balcony door opened and I didn't pay attention to who it was because by the way the air shifted, I knew it was Matteo.

"I said deal with it and if you can't do that then I will make sure someone else deals with the first problem and then you. I'm pushing this and if you get it done tonight then I will gladly triple your pay. We're talking millions, Esposito, am I clear? Tonight," Matteo demanded angrily into the phone before hanging up. He turned to go back inside before his eyes landed on me and he looked shocked.

"I didn't know you were out here," he said as if he had something to hide and I kept my gaze on the view in front of me, "Okay." He looked at me with a hard glance before turning to walk inside.

I took another hit and before he walked away, I stood up and threw what was left off of the balcony, "Why are you acting like this towards me? All because I rejected you?" He slowly turned back towards me and studied me for a second, as if silently asking if I was serious.

"I'm not acting like this because you rejected me. I'm acting like this because you made it clear you had no intentions to pursue anything with me so now I am treating you like I would treat anyone else," he said as a matter of factly. My eyebrows scrunched together but he continued elaborating, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not an emotional guy. I don't have many companions. I'm a businessman. If a woman I have an interest in has no interest in me and makes it clear, then I will back off and continue treating her as if she is everyone else."

He's right. I guess because I was so used to him being caring towards me I didn't think about it like that...

"Oh," I said as I sat back down and he ran his fingers through his hair as he loosened the tie around his neck for comfort. He walked over to me and crouched down, "I apologize if I have offended you in any way. I will stay away from you as best as I can but don't make this harder on me."

I looked up at him with curiosity swimming in my hazel eyes, "How am I making this hard on you? I haven't talked to you until recently."

"You keep looking at me. I hear you asking about me. If you want me to back off then you can't be doing that," he said and it was until now that I realized I don't want him to back off. I want him, but I can't have him. I don't want him to get hurt. I could never forgive myself.

"Will you answer my questions now?" I asked and he thought to himself for a minute, "Only if you promise not to run screaming."

I nodded and he reached his hand out to me so I grabbed it and he walked me inside. I sat on the bed in the criss-cross position whilst he leaned against the wall, "KP means kingpin. Do you know what a kingpin is?"

I nodded, "That's basically the big man in the drug business, right?"

"Right. Now your father is the kingpin in the southwest part of the Mexican Cartel. An extremely tight-lipped business. He's been in the business for years, moving on up and up," he explained but the only question entering my mind right now is how does he know all of this? So that's exactly what I asked next.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked and his eyes nervously darted across the room as he swallowed harshly, "Because while your father may be the KP, I'm his boss. It just recently happened within the last two weeks. I was on the rival side with the Italians but the money wasn't where I needed it to be so I made... a few judgment calls and switched."

Matteo is my dad's boss... in the cartel?

"So... do you know what this crap about my mom dying is about...?" I asked and it seemed as if he froze. "Matteo?" I asked and he cleared his throat before looking me in the eye, "The woman that tried to kill you at the cabin was your mother."

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