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  "You're drinking now?" Ezra asked with a raised eyebrow as Willow and Freya giggled, leaving me alone with him

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"You're drinking now?" Ezra asked with a raised eyebrow as Willow and Freya giggled, leaving me alone with him. I nodded, "Something came up that called for a drink." He hummed in response as his hip leaned against the bar, facing me. His body language confirmed that I had his upmost attention, which was attractive, to say the least.

"So you're really not interested, no?" He asked as he took a sip of his scotch and I laughed as I slid in the barstool, spinning around to face him as I sat my drink on the counter. It was still in my view so anyone planning to slip me a drug would have a hard time getting out of the fact that I watched them do it.

I laughed at his obvious baffled state at the fact that a woman would turn him down, "Is that shocking? That an attractive woman would turn down the infamous Ezra Fortgang?"

He placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt, "You wound me, darling. And yes, actually. It's not every day that a woman who knows exactly who I am turns me down. I was just coming by to let you know that your friends' drinks and yours are being put on my tab. Call it... a gift."

He's paying for our drinks? First, he saves my life from drowning, then he sticks around afterward to check up on me until I'm discharged from the hospital, then he tries to dance with me and even after I turn him down, he pays for not only mine but my friends' drinks?

My eyebrows furrowed, "Why are you doing that? I mean-... thanks? But I guess I don't understand."

He grinned cheesily, "Maybe because since the moment I laid eyes on you, you swept me off of my feet." I blushed at his blatant corniness but covered it with a laugh, "Probably because I was caught in a rip current and you were saving my life, but sure, call it what you want." He chuckled and took another sip of his liquor, "If I called it what I wanted, I'd call it the beginning of a love story if you weren't so hellbent on rejecting a dance with me."

"Dancing leads to drinks, drinks lead to the subtraction of clothes, subtraction of clothes lead to bad mistakes, Mr. Hottie Millionaire," I responded with a giggle and he smirked, "So you think I'm hot?"

I scoffed and shook my head as I took a drink of my watermelon mixer. Is that all he paid attention to? Men do really only see in black and white.

"Did you acknowledge anything I just said besides the fact that I called you Mr. Hottie Millionaire?"

"Okay... what if I give you my word that I will not have sex with you tonight?" He asked, playfulness dancing in his light brown irises. I decided to mess with him for a bit so I put on my best pout face, "What if I wanted to have sex with you tonight?"

His eyes widened in astonishment and his lips slightly parted as if he was dumbfounded, to say the least. He studied my face for a few seconds as if he were waiting for me to laugh, but I stood my ground, trying desperately to keep a straight face. This is going to be so fun...

"W-Well, I guess we c-... I mean... if that's-..." he stumbled over his words, completely losing his serious businessman composure as I giggled at him, crossing my legs and taking a drink of my watermelon mixer, "I'll dance with you, Ezra. Calm down."

He sucked in a sharp breath before chuckling nervously, running his hand through his naturally tamed, curly brown hair, "You confuse me, Ms. Castillo."

Of course, I do. That was the whole point, Mr. Hottie Millionaire.

I smiled cheekily as I slid out of the seat and began walking towards the dance floor where a slower song began playing. I looked behind me to see him watching me walk away, "Well? You coming?"

He blinked a few times before nodding, sitting his drink down beside mine and placing his suit jacket on the table so it wouldn't be so hot. He began rolling his white sleeves up before cuffing them against his forearms. He walked over to me and I grinned as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my waist as if he were scared to lower his hands onto my hips.

I smirked and stood up on my tip-toes to reach his ear as I whispered, "Just a tip... if you're gonna ask a woman to dance, be man enough to touch her like you mean it."

He smiled smugly as his hands dipped lower onto my hips and he pulled my body to his, swaying my hips against him sensually. I bit my lip as I looked down to watch our bodies move in sync and he placed his finger under my chin, lifting my head up to look at him, "Just a tip... if you're gonna tease a man with a dance, be woman enough to look at him like you mean it."

He's attractive, but am I really doing this?

Yes, you are, Sammie. Matteo left you. He could've stayed and fought this for you, but he left. Like Willow and Freya said, you owe it to yourself to find happiness again. You owe it to yourself to have fun, to let loose.

I laughed at the fact that he used my own words against him before he reached up and grabbed my wrist, spinning me slowly before dipping us down so that his face was only inches away from mine. I looked at his eyes, automatically becoming intrigued by his boldness and the way he carries himself.

His lips dipped near my ear before he gently kissed the skin below it, "That's much better, Ms. Castillo."

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