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 "There's leftover lunch in the fridge if you get hungry

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"There's leftover lunch in the fridge if you get hungry. I'll be back in a couple of hours," Matteo grumbled as he picked up a rather large briefcase. I nodded as he walked towards the door. I grabbed the remote and was just about to press the play button on the Central Intelligence movie until I heard him clear his throat. I looked back at him and the scowl on his face didn't go unnoticed, "Please don't run out when a tornado is brewing again. I'd rather not have a replay of two days ago, alright?"

I nodded, "Sorry." Then he walked out of the house with not another word. I turned my attention back to Milo who had just run in from pottying outside, "Come here, good boy!" He barked playfully as he jumped into my lap and I scratched behind his ear whilst playing the movie.

The intro scene where a photoshopped bigger version of Dwayne Johnson singing and dancing in the school shower began playing and I laughed as it seemed like Milo was watching along with me.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but all I know is I woke up to a loud banging on the front door. I shot up off of the couch because the knocking didn't seem like a friendly knock, it was more of a threatening knock. Milo began barking at the door and I quietly shushed him as I tried to look through the curtain of the window. It was dark outside so I couldn't see anyone but their incessant and violent banging on the wooden door was enough to scare me.

I frantically looked around for my phone before the doorknob began jiggling obnoxiously. Fear bubbled up in my stomach as I grabbed my phone and I quietly instructed Milo to get down in the basement. My breath hitched in my throat as I heard the process of someone trying to kick down the front door. I quietly closed the tough basement door and I locked it behind me as I rushed Milo and myself into a small cupboard.

It was a tight squeeze as I dialed 911. There was no answer! What kind of town is this?!

I quickly began looking for Matteo's phone number but quickly realized he changed phone numbers yesterday and I failed to get it. I felt silent tears of fear falling from my eyes once I heard someone upstairs successfully kick the door down.

I dialed Gino's number next and he answered on the second ring, "Hey, Sammie, what's up?"

"I-I need Matteo's number! Gino, someone's in the house and I don't know what to do. I was going to call 911, but no one picked up and I'm so scared right now-"

"I just sent you the phone number. Please call me when everything is okay!" He said and I hung up as I went to our messaged and clicked the number to call it. It rang three times before he answered, "I'm not interested in your product, please take me off of your call list-"

"Matteo! Matteo, please, it's Sammie!" I cried quietly and I heard him inhale sharply, "What's going on? Are you hurt?"

"Someone i-is in the house, I'm in the basement with Milo but I can hear them looking for something and I don't... I don't know if they are armed!" I choked out and he hung up immediately. I tried calling back, thinking I had lost reception, but no such luck. He didn't answer.

I felt my breath catch in my throat as Milo whined at the same time the basement doorknob began jiggling. Then I heard a voice- no, scratch that. Voices as in plural. I closed my eyes, silently praying that I could stop crying and silently praying that I was just having a bad dream, that this isn't real. I put my phone on silent, all of my friends plus my brother were blowing my phone up. I ended up just turning my phone off as the buzzing was still loud.

"Shh, it's okay, baby," I tried to act strong as I whispered to Milo and he laid his head on my leg, looking up at me in a trusting matter. He really is the best puppy ever.

"The damn door won't open, Sasha, how else am I supposed to get down there?" I heard an irritated man say at the same time a woman groaned, "You fucking shoot it, dipshit!" Then the loud sound of a gun shooting repeatedly. I held Milo close to me, trying to keep him from barking as he whined loudly.

Matteo, please get here quickly, please...

"Shh, it's fine, Milo. Mommy loves you," I whispered barely audibly as my tears ran freely. He licked my tears from my face and I smiled softly down him as footsteps walked down the stairs.

"He's not here. Can we just go?" The man exasperated and the woman I presume as Sasha clicked her tongue, "Then we will wait, Felix. I want Matteo Salvatore dead by the time midnight strikes. There has been no KP in our territory other than me until now and I plan to be the only one here once again by my deadline."

My eyes widened and I whimpered in fear, she wants Matteo dead? Who are these people? Who is KP? What are these crazy people wanting?

As they began to walk upstairs, Milo barked and my eyes widened once I realized their footsteps stopped. No! No! Go back upstairs! No, no, no! I held my breath and began petting Milo so he wouldn't bark again. Then their footsteps came closer and I heard someone knock something against the cupboard. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand as they began rummaging through the other cupboards, "Is there a fucking dog in here? God, I hate dogs."

The man I presume as Felix snorted, "Matteo Salvatore and a dog? Highly doubt that." I internally sighed in relief until I heard the woman click her tongue and the worst thing that could possibly happen, happened... She opened the door and their guns eyed me before they did.

"Well, look what we have here, Felix," She grinned and I screwed my eyes shut as tears slipped out of my eyes involuntarily, "P-Please, I-I don't have anything to give you!" Felix laughed as he grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the cupboard, but I discreetly closed it behind me so that Milo couldn't come out.

"Where is Matteo Salvatore?" She asked as she forced me to my knees, the barrel of her large gun sitting in the middle of my forehead. Felix stood behind me, holding my arms roughly so I couldn't defend myself.

I'm about to die right now and I can't even do anything about it.

I began to freak out, hyperventilating as she dug the barrel of the gun into my skin harshly, "I-I don't know who you're talking about! I-I swear it!" She rolled her eyes, "You're in his house and his things are around the house, now where is he?"

"I got lost in the storm two days ago and I found this place! It was a-abandoned!" I cried out and she glared at me, "Tell me where he is and maybe I won't shoot you in the goddamned face!" I saw a shadow upstairs and I tried to be louder, hoping it was maybe Matteo, "I don't know a Matteo Salvatore, p-please let me go!" I cried harder as Felix's grip on my arms became unbearable.

Then before Matteo showed his face, Sasha pointed her gun at the cupboard and shot in it. I heard the awful sound of my baby crying out in pain and I screamed in anger, "You fucking bitch! I'll kill you!" Felix's grip on me tightened and I hissed in pain as I cursed Sasha's smirking face. Matteo showed his face and placed a finger on his lips, indicating me to be quiet.

"Tell me where he is!" She roared and before I could process what was happening, a bullet went in between her eyes from behind, and then Felix's grip on me loosened as he fell to the ground, dead. They both fell on the floor, bleeding out, but all I cared about was Milo. I breathed heavily, running through my tears as I raced toward the cupboard.

I threw the cupboard open and seen Milo bleeding from his belly. His tongue was out, panting in pain and I carefully picked him up as Matteo ran down the stairs, "Is he okay? Are you okay?"

"We have to take him to the vet! He's hurt," I cried, shaking from my nerves as Matteo picked him up and we rushed to the car.

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