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   I heard an obnoxious beeping sound that was driving me nuts

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I heard an obnoxious beeping sound that was driving me nuts. It felt like a million bricks were weighing down my eyelids but I forced them open nonetheless. I looked around the bright room and noticed I was attached to a heart monitor, a pulse checker was on my finger, I had a blood pressure cuff on my bicep, an IV was placed on top of my hand, and I felt an ache in my belly.

What happened? The last thing I remember is dancing with Matteo and even then the memory is a little hazy.

I looked at my surroundings and seen Matteo sleeping in a chair, Willow was next to him as Stefan slept at their feet. I turned my head to the opposite side of my bed when I heard light snores and seen Gino sitting up against the wall asleep whilst Benny slept against Gino. I smiled softly at the cute sight before I heard a slight groan coming from Stef's side of the room.

I looked over and seen Willow stirring awake. I sat up slightly but hissed in pain, causing Matteo to shoot awake, "What's going on? Is she okay?"

"IS SHE OKAY?!" Stefan screamed as he shot awake and then Benny and Gino following, "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!"

"I'm fine," I said hoarsely and Matteo rushed to my side as Stefan ran to the other and they spoke in unison, "Are you okay? What do you need? How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" I choked out as I looked for water and Willow handed me a bottle. I grabbed it and drank, the water instantly cooled my throat. Gino looked at me nervously, "What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was dancing with Matteo... he finished working on something in his office so we danced to that song he played on the guitar that one day," I said and Matteo looked at me seriously, "You were shot. Someone broke into the house and shot you."

My eyebrows furrowed in immense confusion as I tried to remember. But the last thing I remember remained dancing with Matteo. Maybe it's for the best? I don't think I want to know what Matteo did...

"Oh," I said with pursed lips and Stef's eyebrows met in confusion, "Oh? You were shot by an intruder and all you say is oh? Are you nuts?"

Willow snorted, "You owe me five bucks, Gino. You said she would freak if she couldn't remember. I know my girl."

Gino rolled his eyes as he pulled a five-dollar bill from his wallet, "I always lose bets, fuck."

"So... how long have I been out?" I asked quietly and Benny clicked his tongue, "Two weeks. In and out. I don't think your body was truly ready for you to wake up. You lost a lot of blood, Sammie..."

I nodded my head in understanding as Stefan opened his mouth to speak, "Also, there's something you should know... before you freak out-"

The door busted open and my father walked through. My eyes widened, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I... I told him to come," Stefan frowned a little and my mouth slightly fell open from shock as I stared at my brother.

"I think- I think we're going to go," Benny said awkwardly and Willow nodded as she walked out with him and Gino.

I stared at my brother in anger as he avoided my gaze, looking down at his feet like a coward. My father had the audacity to speak up, "Samantha, I just found out and wanted to make sure you were okay-"

"Stop speaking to her. You don't speak unless spoken to. Understood?" Matteo asked, authority never leaving his tone. Dad nodded in agreement as Stefan continued to avoid my gaze.

"Look at me and tell me that you invited him here. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you invited the man that ruined my life into my hospital room," I said quietly through gritted teeth. My heart monitor beeped faster from the anger rushing through my veins and tears threatened to spill over my eyes.

How could he do this? Alfonzo Castillo, my father, murdered my best friend in front of me. My sister. Savannah never deserved that. I can still smell her blood that splattered all over me. She was just smiling at me and laughing at a joke I had told her that I heard from school that day.

It was a cheesy joke and if I had the chance to go back and tell her I loved her one last time before dad slit her throat with a box cutter, I would. In fact, I would push her out of the way and take the box cutter myself. The sound of her flesh tearing before me haunts my dreams.

When Savannah fell on her knees before me, gawking at me in shock as she held her neck, trying to stop the bleeding as she gurgled on her own blood before me... that haunts me. And all I did was stand there, too afraid to move. Too afraid to die by the hands of my father. When she lied on the floor and he realized who she was he had no look of regret or pity on his face. He looked at her and stepped over her as he walked out of the house... to answer a phone call.

And his explanation was he thought it was my mother? That was his motive for slaughtering my sister in front of me?

And my brother dared invite him into the hospital room where I lay wounded from a gunshot?

"Sammie, I-..." he choked out and I breathed in deeply as a lone tear of rage fell down my cheek. I looked towards my father, "The only thing I want from you is to know where you buried her. Where you buried my sister."

He looked at Matteo as if silently asking permission to speak and Matteo nodded his head at him.

"I... I threw her in the ocean," he said shakily and I felt my heart plummet to my stomach. I felt as if he ripped my heart from my chest as stomped on it for good measure.

He disrespected her body and soul. Out of anger, I didn't even think. I just acted. I grabbed the knife from the table next to me in which Benny was using to eat and I threw it at my father. His throat caught the blade just as my sister caught his.

And I watched, simultaneously, in relief and horror as my dad fell to the floor choking on mixed oxygen and blood.

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