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  I waved back at Benny who was waving at me from in the water before Stefan snuck up and jumped on his back, pulling him under the water

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I waved back at Benny who was waving at me from in the water before Stefan snuck up and jumped on his back, pulling him under the water. I rolled my eyes playfully at the two and shook my head as Gino snorted from beside me, "I swear those two become more like children every single day."

"Oh, most definitely," I laughed in agreement and Gino chuckled as he looked at his watch, "Willow should be there by now. How do you think she'll do?"

Willow was supposed to be getting interviewed for a model job at a studio here in Los Angeles. It's a big deal for her because she may get signed, the only thing standing in her way was acing the interview.

"She'll do great. I know it," I said without a doubt and he nodded as he handed me a cold water bottle. The sun beating down on us was hot, causing me to sweat a little. I already swam so my wet red bikini cooled me down a bit, but not much. It was abnormally hot today on the beach, but what's new?

"Willow told me about that Ezra Fortgang guy from the club you two went to a couple of days ago. How you guys danced and had drinks together," he teased and I blushed but coughed to disguise it, "What about it?"

"You don't have to feel bad, y'know? You're allowed to find happiness outside of my brother. He's gone. He left like a fucking coward and I'm sorry," Gino frowned, looking out into the water and I sighed, "Did he just... drop his responsibilities onto you?"

He nodded, "I was named the co-founder of everything anyway, just in case. Even the house is in my name too. I still have all of his security details and private services. He even hired someone to look after you-"

"I don't want his protection. Give that person another job," I sneered and Gino nodded, "Roger that."

"If he wanted to protect me then he could've stayed."

"I completely agree with that," Gino sighed, "I honestly thought he would stay. I mean, dad has gotten him out of bad situations before. That's the advantage of being a billionaire, you can get away with just about anything. Matteo was accused of a lot of things he's never done for the sole reason of being rich. Everyone wanted a cut of his honest work. So he'd go to jail, dad would pay the people off, and then we'd continue on. I don't... I don't know why he left this time..."

I felt anger boil in my belly at this information, "I'm tired of it. I'm tired of being sad over him. I'm tired of putting my life on hold because of him. I'm tired of loving him. I want to move on and not feel guilty. He told me to move on, so why can't I?"

Gino clicked his tongue and took a sip from his cold water before shaking his head in defeat.

"Because unlike my cowardice brother, you love with your whole heart. Maybe that scared him," he said angrily and I sucked in a sharp breath, "He told me he loved me. Multiple times. He treated me like I was the only person he'd ever love. I don't get it."

"He loved you the best he knew how. But that's not good enough. You were all in and he wasn't. Maybe everything that happened was his get out of jail free card. Not that I'm calling you jail or anything," Gino chuckled and I giggled before my breath caught in my throat at the sight of Ezra swimming out into the ocean on his bright blue surfboard.

"Woah," Gino breathed out as he watched and I nodded, "Woah, indeed."

"So you mean to tell me that he saved your life. He bought you a drink, which you refused. He paid for yours, that Freya girl's, and Willow's drinks. He flirted with you for God knows how long, and then danced with you the way he did and you still haven't kissed this man yet? Or had the decency to go on a date with him?" Gino joked with a scoff and I giggled, "Matteo, that's why."

He pushed my shoulder with a click of his tongue, "Girl, if you don't get your half-Caucasian, half-Mexican ass up off this sand and ask him on a damn date, I'll make sure that I put poison in your food when I cook tonight!"

I threw my head back, laughing at his choice of words before he looked at me seriously, focusing on me as if daring me to continue to laugh.

"You think I'm playin'? Fuck my brother! He doesn't deserve you! Give that man over there a chance or you might miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime! Besides, even if you're not soulmates, he could be mine," he winked and I laughed as I began to stand up, "Gino, please remember you're in a relationship with that so-called child bullying my brother right now."

"I can still window-shop," he laughed as he motioned for me to go over by the water. I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded as I walked over to the water, sitting down on the wet sand.

I watched him surf amongst the waves for a bit before he began paddling back to shore, laying on his surfboard. As he got closer, I stood up and brushed the sand off of me before walking into the water to meet him halfway.

He was focused on the water, not paying an ounce of attention to his surroundings as he swam closer and closer.

I was belly deep into the water when he became aware of his surroundings and his eyes landed on me. He grinned and sat up on his surfboard, floating completely in front of me by now.

"Hello again," he greeted as he scooted back on his surfboard and helped me up so that we were floating and facing each other.

"Hi," I said shakily since the surfboard was new to me and I felt like I would fall off any moment. He chuckled, grabbing my hands in his big ones, "You won't fall off. You're okay."

I nodded hesitantly before looking back at him, not sure how to word anything. His eyebrows lifted once he realized I was struggling to say something, "Samantha, would you come to dinner with me tomorrow night? I'm supposed to be meeting a friend and it would be an honor if you would accompany me."

He has a slight English accent that would be hard to decipher if you hadn't paid attention. But I'm paying attention and I hear it. It's nice, it's different. It's... soothing.

"Okay," I said with a smile and he grinned cheekily, a slight chin dimple popping out that made him all the more attractive.

"You've never been on a surfboard before?" He asked and I blushed, "Is it that obvious?"

"Only slightly. Would you like to learn how to surf?" He cocked an eyebrow, waiting patiently for an answer. I didn't hesitate to agree. I've always wanted to surf but I've never tried. I never thought I would be able to.

"Come on, hop off. I'll teach you, but I'll need to get a board that is appropriate for your small size."

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