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   "I'm so sorry," I said with tears running down my face as my head was inches away from the toilet bowl, "This is so not sexy

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"I'm so sorry," I said with tears running down my face as my head was inches away from the toilet bowl, "This is so not sexy." Matteo smiled softly at me as he wrapped my hair in a bun to keep it away from my face, "There is absolutely nothing to be sorry for, Sam. It's not your fault."

My vision became blurry as I tried to stand up and I leaned against the counter, confused, "Matteo... I can't- I can't see and m-my legs are going numb."

His eyebrows met in confusion as he stood up, helping me as I swayed in dizziness, "Did you abandon your food or drink when we first got to the diner?"

I thought for a moment and nodded, "When we first got there... I turned away to check my ph-phone..."

"I'm taking you to the hospital."

He picked me up bridal style and my neck went numb as I began sweating, losing all feeling of my body. I feel as I have no control and I can feel myself crying, but I can't do anything. I can move my eyes, but barely. The front door opened and I saw my brother look at me in Matteo's arms as Matteo grabbed things that I would need.

No! I don't want anyone to see me like this, much less my brother!

"What the hell happened?!" Stefan barked and Matteo tried his best to get out the door without hurting me, "I believe she was drugged. Someone fucking get my car and bring it around front!"

Benny didn't ask questions, he ran in front of Matteo and that was the last thing I remember before everything went black.


I heard an incessant, loud beeping noise that I recognize to be a heart monitor. My eyes opened slowly and everything came to. The first thing I recognized was being in a dark hospital room. Matteo was asleep in the chair next to my bed, holding my hand. I looked at the clock and it read four in the morning.

I sat up slowly, thanking God I can actually move and feel my body parts. There was a small cup of water on the table beside the bed so I took a couple of sips before realizing I needed to pee really badly. I took the blankets off of me and swung my legs over the side of my bed, opposite of Matteo so I wouldn't wake him.

I stood up slowly but the bed creaked loudly and Matteo began to stir awake. His eyes opened and he looked towards the bed. I seen panic flash in his eyes before he looked at me and I watched as he calmed, "Why aren't you in bed?"

"I need to pee," I said and he chuckled as he got up and helped me walk to the bathroom, "I don't blame you. They flushed the drug out of your system with a lot of fluids. Truthfully, I'm not sure how you didn't wake to pee earlier."

He walked me into the bathroom and then turned around so I could pee in peace, "So I was drugged?" He nodded and I sighed, "Matteo, I'm so sorry for ruining the night-"

"Don't say that again. You didn't ruin anything. This is not your fault, okay?" He asked and I nodded as I wiped and flushed. He helped me over to the sink since my legs were still a little wobbly. I washed my hands and dried them before he helped me back into the bed.

"Call your brother. He's in the lobby and I know he's still awake. He's been worried sick about you," Matteo said as he handed me his phone. I thanked him quietly as I quickly dialed Stefan's number.

He answered on the first ring, "Is she okay? Has anything changed?"

"It's me, Stef. I'm okay," I said and he blew out a sharp breath, "I'm coming in. Tell Matteo to step out because there can only be one visitor at a time." I nodded and hung up, "Can you step out for a minute so I can see Stefan?"

He nodded as I handed him his phone. He bent down to kiss my cheek and Stefan walked in the room as Matteo left, "You damn near gave me a heart attack, Sammie."

"I didn't mean to," I said and he bent down, hugging me roughly. I coughed as he squeezed me tightly and he let go, sitting in the chair.

"How are you and Willow?" I asked and he looked at the flowers on my bedside, smiling to himself, "I really like her, Sammie. Like, really, really like her." I grinned in response and sat up a little further, "You deserve someone like her, Stef. I'm really happy for you guys!"

"Why haven't you really talked about Matteo?" He asked and I bit my lip nervously as I played with my hands, "Because... I'm scared I'm gonna hurt him..."

"What do you mean?"

I thought for a moment, trying to figure out how to put my thoughts into words, "Savannah died right in front of me. Milo died because of me. I'm scared that I'm bad luck and if Matteo gets too close to me then he's going to die. Stef, I don't want him to get hurt."

I bit my tongue to keep from crying and Stefan smiled at me, "That's what love is, Sammie. You don't want them to get hurt. You're worrying about them all the time because that's what you do when you care about someone a lot. You love Matteo so let him in, okay? Take a chance. Matteo is a grown man, he can decide for himself if he thinks you're worth getting hurt for. And take it from a man in your life, Sammie, you're worth getting hurt for."

I smiled softly at him as he stood up and kissed my forehead, "I'm gonna go home to my girl and tell her that you're okay so she'll stop blowing my phone up. Talk to him. Let him in. You deserve happiness."

I nodded, "I love you, Stefan." He looked at me and winked, "Ditto."

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