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Matteo's House

Matteo's House

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Grand Entrance

Sammie's bedroom

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Sammie's bedroom

Sammie's bedroom

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   "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for things to go so badly-" I muttered to Stefan once he had walked out and seen everything

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"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for things to go so badly-" I muttered to Stefan once he had walked out and seen everything. He smirked and showed me the top of his right hand in which his knuckles were slightly bruised, "We're twins now."

I rolled my eyes playfully and shook my head as I turned to Matteo, but thankfully Stefan spoke for me, "Hey, man, listen-"

"Don't worry about it," Matteo cut him off and Stefan nodded as he motioned for us to go back into the car. My eyebrows raised slightly in surprise once Diamond climbed into Benjamin's car and Willow replaced Diamond in Matteo's. "Are you okay?" Willow asked me once we all seated and I nodded, "I truly didn't mean for things to get that way. I'm sorry about it, I'm not usually like that..."

She smiled at me as we all buckled up and Matteo tore away from the parking lot, nodding in understanding as she spoke, "It's okay. Crap happens."

"Hey, Sammie, wake up," I heard my brother's voice in my ear and my eyes fluttered open to see an arm. Matteo's tattooed arm. I was cuddling it.

I gasped slightly and unwrapped my arms from his arm and I swung my legs out of the door, taking the blanket off of me and folding it up as Stefan shut the door behind me. "Welcome home," Stefan said with a chuckle and motioned his hand to the house we'll be staying at for a while. It was huge. In every sense, long and tall, palm trees in the front and the back.

It looked like a house you would find in a magazine, "Woah."

"Little Castillo, big Castillo, what do you think?" Benny said with a bright grin on his face once he approached us with Willow. Stefan looked up at the house and blew out a breath of satisfaction, "When you said you moved to California with some friends, this... is not what I expected."

"At all," I added and Willow chuckled, as she pointed behind me. I turned around and my mouth dropped as I realized this house was actually gated in. Like the movies where you had to press a button and state your name and business before being let in one of those rich people's houses! Stefan laughed in unbelief as he scratched his neck, "This is freaking insane, Benny!"

Willow nodded in agreement as she nodded her head towards the house, "Benny will show Stef to his room and I'll show you to yours. Cool?" I smiled slightly and nodded as I walked towards the trunk of Matteo's car that was open and grabbed my things. Stefan grabbed his bags and shut the trunk, giving me a smile of encouragement as we walked up a lot of stairs and into the house.

The inside was beautifully decorated and the very front descended upstairs on two sides of the room in a spiral way. Pillars were marbled, a huge chandelier sat in the middle of the ceiling, everything was perfect. Then I heard him. His paws hit the floor in a loud and excited matter as he lifted off of the floor and knocked me backward, licking my face and barking happily.

"Milo!" I squealed in happiness as I scratched behind his ears and moved my face away from his eager tongue. He barked in whined in happiness and Stefan grinned as he pulled him off of me and rubbed his tummy. He wriggled in excitement as I rubbed under his chin, his tail whacking the floor.

He looks like he grew a lot, he came up to my hip even when sitting on his butt, "He got so big in just a month!" Stefan nodded in agreement as Willow bent down and helped scratch him playfully, "Milo is one of the most beautiful puppies I've ever seen!" I smiled at her as I stood up and Milo wriggled out from underneath Stefan's grasp to sit beside my feet.

Benjamin grabbed Stefan's attention as he directed him upstairs to his bedroom and Willow linked arms with me as she helped me grab my things, leading me up the stairs as well. After walking down a very long hallway, Willow came to a closed-door and opened it slowly. The room made my jaw drop, there is no way this is real. Absolutely no way. I refuse to believe this is real life.

"What the heck?" I whispered as I walked in and did a three-sixty degree spin, checking out everything in the room thoroughly. "Is that a good what the heck or a bad one? Benny said you liked this color so I went out and bought everything with the house card and now I'm kind of nervous that you hate it and I freaked out for no reason-"

"Willow, you did this? You decorated it?" I cut off her nervous rambling and she laughed nervously, tucking a piece of her curly red hair behind her ear, "Yeah..."

I walked further into the room as I set my bags down on the beautifully made bed and turned to look at her, "This is the most exquisite and attractive room I've ever seen!" Her mouth spread into a slow grin as she jumped in the air and pumped her fist in it, "Yes! Victory is mine!"

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